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40 Chapter 2: Cisco Remote Connection Products
Scenario Answers
The answers provided in this section are not necessarily the only possible correct answers. They
merely represent one possibility for each scenario. The intention is to test your base knowledge
and understanding of the concepts discussed in this chapter.
Should your answers be different (as they likely will be), consider the differences. Are your
answers in line with the concepts of the answers provided and explained here? If not, go back
and read the chapter again, focusing on the sections related to the problem scenario.
Scenario 2-1 Answers
An Ethernet module, a channelized T1, a MICA modem bank, and a multiport serial card
are recommended. The Ethernet module provides connectivity to the local LAN. The T1
and MICA bank fulfill the dial-up needs, and the serial card enables Frame Relay.
Given the fact that you have 24 channels and 15 occasional dial-up users, multilink or
BOD should be considered to improve the service.
The question should be "How can I offer analog service?" because MICA modems require
analog service. This question requires you to think about how termination is done for both
analog and digital in the same device.
Scenario 2-2 Answers
ISDN would be a good choice because of the higher speed. You might consider making
sure that the service is divergent into your branch office so that if the frame fails due to a
"back-hoe attack," the ISDN line has a chance of being uninterrupted.
Access control is a major issue. If the primary link fails, the backup link should block all
noncritical traffic such as HTTP so that the mission critical information is not lost. It is
assumed that the reason for the T1 is that the bandwidth is needed. If an ISDN BRI is used
for backup, the highest possible link would be 128 kbps, hence the need for strict control.
A 1600 router should be sufficient, although a 2600 router would also work. Given the fact
that there are only three remotes, you might want to go with the 1600 router and buy two
for each location so that in the event of a hardware failure, a hot swap could be done.