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318 Chapter 10: Managing Network Performance with Queuing and Compression
Priority Queuing (Continued)
priority-list list-number interface interface-type
{high | medium | normal | low}
Creates an interface-specific entry for priority
queuing; all traffic entering the router through
the specified interface is placed in the specified
priority-list list-number default {high | medium
| normal | low}
Creates a default priority queue for traffic not
matching any priority queue definition; if not
specified, default = normal
priority-list list-number queue-limit [high-limit
[medium-limit [normal-limit [low-limit]]]
Alters the number of entries a specific priority
queue can hold; higher priority queues should
hold fewer entries than lower priority queues
priority-group group-number
Applies a priority list to an interface to activate it
Custom Queuing
queue-list list-number protocol protocol-name
queue-number queue-keyword keyword-value
Creates a protocol-specific entry for custom
queuing; optionally, a tcp/udp port number can
be specified for added control
queue-list list-number interface interface-type
interface-number queue-number
Creates an interface-specific entry for custom
queuing; all traffic entering the router through
the specified interface is placed in the specified
queue-list list-number default queue-number
Creates a default priority queue for traffic not
matching any priority queue definition
queue-list list-number queue queue-number limit
Alters the service threshold for the number of
records processed in a particular queue prior to
processing of the next queue; default = 20
queue-list list-number queue queue-number
byte-count byte-count-number
Alters the service threshold for a number of bytes
processed in a particular queue prior to
processing of the next queue; default = 1500
custom-queue-list list-number
Applies the custom queue list to an interface to
activate it
Table 10-3
Queuing Command Summary (Continued)