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182 Chapter 6: Using ISDN and DDR Technologies
Configure both routers A and B for basic DDR connectivity using dialer maps. Use basic-
ni1 for the switch type. Include the configuration parameters from Questions 3 and 4.
Configure both routers A and B so that a second B channel is initialized if the first reaches
50 percent saturation in either direction. Also, the call should disconnect after 30 seconds
of idle time. Note: This is not a dial backup situation.
Configure router C for T1 PRI connectivity using B8ZS and ESF. Configure the
appropriate IP addressing on interface S 0:23.
Now assume that router C is being implemented in an E1 environment using the default
settings for framing and linecode. Make the appropriate configuration changes.
Remove the static routes between A and B. Implement a solution that enables dynamic
routing without keeping the link up constantly.
Configure routers A and B so that the ISDN link is activated only in cases in which the
HDLC link is down or has reached 85 percent capacity. The backup timers for failure are
at your discretion.