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Chapter 10
Troubleshooting AppleTalk Connectivity
AT: 1 query packet sent to neighbor 1.87
AT: Recvd ZIP cmd 2 from 1.87-6
AT: 1 zones in ZIPreply pkt, src 1.87
AT: net 2, zonelen 3, name Two
AT: in CancelZoneRequest, cancelling req on 2-
AT: atzip_GC() called
Common AppleTalk Troubleshooting Issues
s with most networks, AppleTalk nets are prone to common
issues that prompt troubleshooting. This section addresses these com-
mon problems and outlines their resolutions in the context of the Cisco
IOS show and debug commands.
Note that the following section should not take the place of a
methodical troubleshooting procedure. In AppleTalk, this process
should include verifying the local configuration and/or outlining the
scope of the problem. This includes determining whether the problem
affects more than one system or location.
Further generic troubleshooting should also include the verification of the
local router and the impact of any access lists. Non-AppleTalk issues should
also be reviewed, including high utilization and error rates. In summary, the
main troubleshooting targets for AppleTalk are as follows:
Local host configuration
Routers connected to AppleTalk networks
Remote host configuration
It is important to realize that these are very general and high-level trouble-
shooting targets, and that each one has several more low-level targets.
ZIP Storms
A ZIP storm can occur when a zone name does not map to an AppleTalk
route. Although storms are prevented by the Cisco IOS, other routers
can permit this problem. Because AppleTalk has no mechanism for alerting
stations to changes in the zone list, routers request ZIP updates upon learn-
ing about a new route.
Copyright ©2000 SYBEX , Inc., Alameda, CA