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Troubleshooting Token Ring Problems
Collision percentage calculations result in an average of 3.72 percent collisions.
This is much better than the 15 percent you saw previously. In this scenario, a bad
transceiver was to blame for the excessive collisions.
Troubleshooting Token Ring Problems
he Token Ring scenarios in this section focus on troubleshooting
Token Ring problems. Both scenarios may be effectively solved by using
generic Cisco troubleshooting commands.
Scenario #1
Figure 5.7 displays the Token Ring network that is used for this scenario.
You can see Routers A and B connected via Token Ring interfaces.
F I G U R E 5 . 7
Network diagram for Token Ring scenario #1 and #2
You are connecting Router A to Router B via the Token Ring interfaces,
and you cannot get the interfaces to come up. You have console access to
both routers.
Copyright ©2000 SYBEX , Inc., Alameda, CA