background image
Software Test Equipment
Checksum: 0x2d24 [50-51]
Urgent Pointer: 0 [52-53]
No TCP Options
POP - Post Office Protocol
POP Reply: +OK Positive Reply [54-56]
Comment: [57]
POP3 50 45 50 33 21 68 61 6d 2f 75
65 6e 2d 6e 72 67 [58-73]
v6.50 server re 21 76 36 2a 35 30 21 73 65 72 77 65
78 20 72 65 [74-89]
ady 61 46 80 [90-92]
Newline Sequence: 0x0d0a [93-94]
Frame Check Sequence: 0xffff00cd
EtherPeek Sample: IPX Packet
This last example shows an IPX packet. This is an IPX broadcast packet, as
indicated by the destination MAC address within the 802.3 header. The LLC
header has the source and destination SAP information. The IPX NetWare
packet is a NetWare Core Protocol packet. The destination socket for every
machine on a broadcast domain is the same. The IPX broadcast is done
by using the Service Advertising Protocol. The decode for that header is
located at the bottom of the example. The packet tells you that a machine
is using NSQ to find the nearest file server.
Flags: 0x80 802.3
Status: 0x00
Packet Length:64
Timestamp: 14:47:09.831000 03/22/1999
802.3 Header
Destination: ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff Ethernet Brdcast [0-5]
Source: 00:00:1d:04:51:43 [6-13]
LLC Length: 37
802.2 Logical Link Control (LLC) Header
Dest. SAP: 0xe0 NetWare [14]
Source SAP: 0xe0 NetWare Null LSAP [15]
Command: 0x03 Unnumbered Information [16]
IPX - NetWare Protocol
Copyright ©2000 SYBEX , Inc., Alameda, CA