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Chapter 3
Generic Troubleshooting Tools
If the filters that are ready-made do not meet the specifications needed,
EtherPeek and other protocol analyzers allow custom filters to be created.
This is done by using the screen shown in Figure 3.4. The options available
for custom filters are similar to those for the predefined filters. You may
specify source and destination addresses, protocol, or offset when defining
custom filters.
F I G U R E 3 . 4
Custom capture filters
If you are not sure what packets or problems you are looking for, you can
turn off the capture filter, and subsequently capture all packets transiting the
network. Once you decide what you want to see, you can use display filters.
EtherPeek's display filters are depicted in Figure 3.5.
Copyright ©2000 SYBEX , Inc., Alameda, CA