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Most LAN infrastructures continue to use copper-based cable for the desktop and fiber for riser distribution. Placing fiber at the desktop is slowly becoming popular, and with the introduction of RJ-45-style (MT-RJ) connectors, the space required for these installations is not an issue. Designers should be familiar with the certified maximum distances that are permitted for the various media. The specifications incorporated into the physical media standard for each protocol virtually guarantee successful connectivity. While such values are more than rules of thumb, they are easy to incorporate into network designs and insulate the designer from having to understand the detailed electrical criteria involved in twisted-pair wiring and fiber optics. Table 2.1 notes the physical media distance limitations.

TABLE 2.1 Physical Media Distance Limitations

Media/Protocol Distance

CDDI (CAT 5) 100 meters
FDDI (MM) 2,000 meters
FDDI (SM) 30,000 meters
ATM LANE (OC-3 MM) 2,000 meters
ATM LANE (OC-3 SM) 10,000 meters
Token Ring (UTP, 16 MB) 200 meters
Ethernet (CAT 3 or 5) 100 meters
Ethernet (MM) 2,000 meters
FastEthernet (CAT 5) 100 meters
FastEthernet (MM Full) 2,000 meters
FastEthernet (MM Half) 400 meters
FastEthernet (SM Full) 10,000 meters

FastEthernet and GigabitEthernet modules are available to span distances over 55 miles.

Cabling design considerations also include terminations and installation. For example, fiber connectors use SC, ST, FC, and other termination types. The choice will impact patch cables, future hardware purchases, and rack space—some connectors may be installed with greater density. For example, MT-RJ is similar to RJ-45 in scale, which requires half the space of ST, FC, or SC connectors.

The installation of the cables will also be an important factor and will affect future modifications to the cable plant and troubleshooting. Some companies require a “home run” from the panel to the station. This type of installation uses a single, continuous wire. In contrast, other organizations install riser cable that terminates to a frame in the closet. These terminations cross-connect to the stations. This type of installation is often cheaper and permits additional flexibility. In either configuration, punch-down work and other maintenance should occur at a single point whenever possible. It is also extremely important to document what is installed.

Professional cable installers should be used whenever possible. A good cable installer will have both the equipment and training required to adhere to the standards and to properly install and dress the cables. A good cable installation should be capable of service for up to 15 years and is a significant expense.

Network Design in the Real World: Cabling

A recent trend in data installations is to use Category 5E, 6, or 7 copper wire to the desktop. These installations operate on the premise that the greater electrical characteristics of this wire will provide a future-proof migration path as newer technologies and greater bandwidths to the desktop become commonplace. Given the upcoming 10Gbps Ethernet standard and the resulting 1000-fold increase in theoretical bandwidth (2000-fold with full-duplex technology), it is clear that higher capacity links to the desktop will be in networking’s future.

On the other hand, fiber proponents will be quick to point out the advantages of augmenting copper installations with glass or forgoing copper altogether. Today, this method still adds a significant premium to the installation and material costs, but it may yield a less-expensive solution in the long term.

At this point, it is too difficult to provide a long-term recommendation— each installation is different and each company unique. Factors to consider include current applications and services, a lease versus ownership of the facility, and the company’s budget.

One recommendation that is easily made, however, is that you personally interview all cable installers before hiring them. Make sure that a foreman is assigned to your project, in addition to a project manager. Ask for referrals and check them. Also, look for certifications—not only because they are required (by law or insurance policy), but also because they help to ensure a consistent installation.

Also, make certain that you have a qualified person review the installation before you sign off on it. That person should look for kinks in the cable that have been straightened, improper labeling, poor or missing documentation, compressed bundles (use Velcro tie-wraps, not nylon), and untwisted terminations. It does little good to buy Category 7 cable and find that the installer left an inch of space between the panel and the twists.

As previously noted, cable problems can be some of the most difficult to troubleshoot. While equipment and installations have improved, this caveat still holds true.


Routers are perhaps the most significant tool in the network designer’s repertoire of dealing with broadcasts in the enterprise. As noted in Chapter 1, it would be ideal to reduce the number of broadcasts in the network at the source, but this is not an option under most circumstances.

Unlike Layer 2 devices, routers block broadcasts from leaving the network segment. In other words, routers define the broadcast domain. This is an important consideration, as few protocols will scale beyond 200 nodes per broadcast domain—thus, routers are usually needed in inefficient multi-protocol networks of over 200 nodes.

There are other benefits to routers as well. Routers convert between different media—for example, FDDI and Ethernet. The Catalyst switch (along with most other multiprotocol switches on the market) will also perform this function, but many designers still consider the use of a router to be superior when performing a media conversion. Routers also impose a logical structure on the network, which is frequently necessary when designing large environments. Lastly, routers are very useful for implementing policies regarding access. Access control lists (ACLs) may be used to block access to certain devices in the network or to filter informational packets regarding services (an IPX SAP access list, for example).

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