Note to the Reader: Throughout this index boldfaced page numbers indicate primary discussions of a topic. Italicized page numbers indicate illustrations.
- AAL (ATM Adaptation Layer), 484
- AAL1 (ATM Adaptation Layer 1), 484
- AAL2 (ATM Adaptation Layer 2), 484
- AAL3/4 (ATM Adaptation Layer 3/4), 484
- AAL5 (ATM Adaptation Layer 5), 290–294, 291, 485
- AARP (AppleTalk Address Resolution Protocol), 188, 485
- AARP probe packets, 485
- A&B bit signaling, 484
- ABM (Asynchronous Balanced Mode), 485
- ABRs (area border routers)
- defined, 485
- in OSPF, 160
- Abstract Syntax Notation 1 (ASN.1), 489
- abuse of data, 368
- academic arena, future of networking in, 435–436
- acceptable use policies, 432
- access-group command, 202
- access layer in three-tier network model, 20, 21, 24–25
- Access-list command, 219
- access lists, 376–377, 433, 485
- in AppleTalk networks, 200
- in flat network model, 12
- interface-level, 372
- in IPX, 231
- in IPX SAP, 218–219
- in three-tier network model, 22–23
- time-based and reflexive, 377–378
- in Windows networking, 244
- access methods, 485
- access servers, 485
- accounting in security, 385
- ACK (acknowledgment) bits, 377
- acknowledgments, 485
- ACR (allowed cell rate), 486
- Active Monitors, 486
- AD (administrative distance) parameter, 286
- adaptability in network design, 5
- address mapping
- defined, 486
- in Frame Relay, 283
- address masks, 486
- address resolution, 486
- Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), 489
- address summarization
- in BGP, 170
- in TCP/IP, 116–118
- address translation gateway (ATG), 489
- addresses and address assignments
- in AppleTalk networks, 189–191
- in AURP, 199
- in DHCP, 255–256
- in IP. SeeIP addresses
- in IPX, 215
- in LANs, 72
- MAC, 518
- multicast, 521
- in network design, 33
- in OSPF, 160
- in SMDS, 301
- spoofing, 377
- in TCP/IP, 104–105
- translation of, 100, 108, 374–375, 374, 521
- adjacency, 486
- adjacency tables, 122
- Adjunct-RIB-In process table, 172
- Adjunct-RIB-Out process table, 172
- administration in network design, 399
- administrative distance, 486
- in routers, 110–112
- in WANs, 286
- administrative weight, 486
- ADSL (Asymmetric DSL) technology, 324
- ADSP (AppleTalk Data Stream Protocol), 186
- ADSU (ATM Data Service Unit), 486
- Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking (APPN), 348–350
- advertisements, 486
- link-state, 163–164
- SAP, 218–219, 223, 228
- AEP (AppleTalk Echo Protocol), 186, 487
- AFI (Authority and Format Identifier), 487
- AFP (AppleTalk File Protocol)
- defined, 487
- IPX support for, 216
- AIP (ATM Interface Processor), 487
- algorithms, 487
- alignment errors, 487
- all-routes explorer packets, 487
- allowed cell rate (ACR), 486
- Alternate Mark Inversion (AMI) linecode, 487
- always-on ISDN, 315
- AM (Amplitude Modulation), 487
- American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 488
- American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII), 489
- AMI (Alternate Mark Inversion) linecode, 487
- amortization of equipment, 9
- amplitude, 487
- Amplitude Modulation (AM), 487
- analog transmissions, 487
- ANSI (American National Standards Institute), 488
- ANSI T1.617 Annex D, 282
- anycast addresses, 488
- AppleTalk Address Resolution Protocol (AARP), 188, 485
- AppleTalk Control Protocol (ATCP), 489
- AppleTalk Data Stream Protocol (ADSP), 186
- AppleTalk Echo Protocol (AEP), 186, 487
- AppleTalk File Protocol (AFP)
- defined, 487
- IPX support for, 216
- AppleTalk networks, 184–189, 187, 488
- access lists in, 200
- addressing in, 189–191
- AURP in, 198–199, 199
- broadcasts in, 30, 184, 192
- EIGRP in, 197–198
- interoperability in, 206
- IOS features for, 199–205
- IPX support for, 216
- Macintosh IP in, 205
- naming in, 191–195, 195
- real world design, 204
- review questions, 207–212
- RTMP in, 196–197
- summary, 206
- tunnels in, 203–204
- ZIP in, 200–201
- AppleTalk Remote Access (ARA)
- defined, 488
- MacIP for, 205
- AppleTalk Session Protocol (ASP), 489
- AppleTalk Transaction Protocol (ATP), 490
- AppleTalk Update-based Routing Protocol (AURP), 198–199, 199, 491
- application layer, 488
- application-level firewalls, 371
- applications in network design
- availability of, 404
- requirements of, 403
- response time of, 404
- APPN (Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking), 348–350
- ARA (AppleTalk Remote Access)
- defined, 488
- MacIP for, 205
- Architecture of Voice, Video and Integrated Data (AVVID) initiative, 418
- area border routers (ABRs)
- defined, 485
- in OSPF, 160
- areas, 488
- in IS-IS, 174
- in OSPF, 161–163
- ARM (Asynchronous Response Mode), 488
- ARP (Address Resolution Protocol), 489
- ASBRs (autonomous system boundary routers)
- defined, 489
- in OSPF, 160
- ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange), 489
- ASN.1 (Abstract Syntax Notation 1), 489
- ASP (AppleTalk Session Protocol), 489
- ASs (autonomous systems), 491
- in AT EIGRP, 197
- in BGP, 170
- in EIGRP, 149, 154
- in OSPF, 161
- AST (Automatic Spanning Tree), 489
- Asymmetric DSL (ADSL) technology, 324
- asymmetric routing in EIGRP, 158
- Asynchronous Balanced Mode (ABM), 485
- Asynchronous Response Mode (ARM), 488
- asynchronous time-division multiplexing (ATDM), 489
- Asynchronous Transfer Mode). See ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode)
- asynchronous transmissions, 489
- AT EIGRP, 197
- ATCP (AppleTalk Control Protocol), 489
- ATDM (asynchronous time-division multiplexing), 489
- ATG (address translation gateway), 489
- ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode), 5, 80–81, 287–288, 490
- ATM adaptation layer 5, 290–294, 291
- broadcasts with, 82
- with LAN Emulation Client, 81–82
- with LAN Emulation Configuration Server, 83
- with LAN Emulation Server, 82
- with LANE, 58, 81, 83, 84
- for LANs, 57
- permanent virtual circuits in, 294–296, 295
- routing in, 297–298
- StrataCom switches in, 298–300
- switched virtual circuits in, 296, 297
- virtual path and virtual circuit identifiers in, 288–289, 289–290
- ATM Adaptation Layer (AAL), 484
- ATM Adaptation Layer 1 (AAL1), 484
- ATM Adaptation Layer 2 (AAL2), 484
- ATM Adaptation Layer 3/4 (AAL3/4), 484
- ATM Adaptation Layer 5 (AAL5), 290–294, 291, 485
- ATM ARP servers, 490
- ATM Data Service Unit (ADSU), 486
- ATM endpoints, 490
- ATM Forum, 287, 490
- ATM Interface Processor (AIP), 487
- ATM layer, 490
- ATM user-user connections, 490
- ATMM (ATM Management), 490
- ATP (AppleTalk Transaction Protocol), 490
- attenuation, 491
- AURP (AppleTalk Update-based Routing Protocol), 198–199, 199, 491
- AURP tunnels, 491
- authentication and authorization, 382–385, 403
- Authority and Format Identifier (AFI), 487
- authority zones, 491
- auto-sense function, 282
- automatic addressing, 215
- automatic call reconnect, 491
- automatic failover, 420
- automatic naming, 215
- automatic redistribution feature
- in EIGRP, 157
- in NLSP, 226
- Automatic Spanning Tree (AST), 489
- autonomous confederations, 491
- autonomous/silicon load balancing, 217
- autonomous switching
- defined, 491
- in IP, 119
- Autonomous System Boundary Routers (ASBRs), 489
- defined, 489
- in OSPF, 160
- autonomous systems (ASs), 491
- in AT EIGRP, 197
- in BGP, 170
- in EIGRP, 149, 154
- in OSPF, 161
- autoreconfiguration, 491
- availability requirements, 404
- AVVID (Architecture of Voice, Video and Integrated Data) initiative, 418
- B channels
- bandwidth of, 315–316
- defined, 492
- B8ZS (Binary 8-Zero Substitution) linecode, 491
- back ends, 492
- backbones, 74, 76, 492
- dual, 344–345, 345
- in OSPF, 159–160
- for scalability, 5
- Backup Domain Controllers (BDCs), 245
- backup interfaces, 287
- backup strategies, 368–369
- Backward-Explicit Congestion Notification (BECN) bits, 492
- bandwidth, 153, 492
- in ATM, 85
- in cable modems, 325
- demand for, 432
- in DSL, 323
- in EIGRP, 155
- in IGRP, 143
- in ISDN, 315–316
- in network design, 33–35, 34
- in NLSP, 227
- in OSPF, 165
- in QoS, 419
- for routing protocols, 135
- in RTMP, 196–197
- baseband technology, 492
- baselining, 407
- Basic Rate Interface (BRI)
- defined, 493
- for remote access networks, 321
- bastion hosts, 32, 362
- baud unit, 492
- BDCs (Backup Domain Controllers), 245
- beacon frames, 492
- BECN (Backward-Explicit Congestion Notification) bits, 492
- BGP (Border Gateway Protocol), 169–173
- BGP4, 492
- BILLder application, 300
- billing models, 7
- Binary 8-Zero Substitution (B8ZS) linecode, 491
- binary numbering system, 492
- BISDN (Broadband ISDN), 493
- Bit Interleaved Parity (BIP), 492
- bit-oriented protocols, 493
- bit rate settings in CLP, 293
- bit splitting, 162
- black holes
- in discontiguous networks, 116
- in EIGRP, 150
- in Layer 2 and Layer 3 design, 423–426, 423–425
- bonus exam, 462–476
- Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), 169–173
- border gateways, 493
- BPDUs (Bridge Protocol Data Units), 493
- BPX/AXIS switches, 299
- BRI (Basic Rate Interface), 315
- defined, 493
- for remote access networks, 321
- Bridge Protocol Data Units (BPDUs), 493
- bridges
- defined, 493
- for LANs, 63–65
- Broadband ISDN (BISDN), 493
- broadband transmission systems, 493
- broadcast-and-unknown server (BUS)
- with ATM, 82
- defined, 494
- broadcast domains, 494
- broadcast storms, 494
- broadcasts, 493
- in AppleTalk networks, 30, 184, 192
- in IPX, 216
- in IPX SAP, 218
- in LANs, 71
- in NetBIOS over IPX, 229
- as network design issue, 29–30
- in SMDS, 301
- in Windows networking, 243–244
- in WINS, 248
- broadcasts-per-second values, 216, 243
- Browse Masters, 260
- budget constraints, 6–7, 402
- buffers
- in ATM, 80
- defined, 494
- bursts
- in Frame Relay, 279
- in network design, 405
- BUS (broadcast and unknown server)
- with ATM, 82
- defined, 494
- bus topology, 494
- buses, 494
- business issues in network design
- constraints, 402
- relationships, 36–37
- requirements, 400
- BX.25, 494
- bypass mode, 494
- bypass relays, 494
- byte-oriented protocols, 494
- cable installers, 61–62
- cable modems, 325–326
- cable ranges
- in AppleTalk addresses, 190–191
- defined, 495
- cabling
- for LANs, 59–62
- life of, 4
- in network design, 8
- security risks in, 380–381
- CAC (Connection Admission Control), 495
- caching
- in security, 376
- in Windows networking, 244
- call admission controls, 495
- call priority, 495
- call set-up time, 495
- capacity planning, 431–432
- in network design, 403
- in three-tier network model, 19–20
- Carrier Detect (CD) signal, 495
- Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD), 500
- case management, 430–431
- Category 5 wires, 8
- CBR (constant bit rate)
- in CLP, 293
- defined, 495
- CCO (Cisco Connection Online) Web site, 430
- CD (Carrier Detect) signal, 495
- CDDI (Copper Distributed Data Interface), 57
- CDP (Cisco Discovery Protocol), 168, 495
- CEF (Cisco Express Forwarding), 121–123
- Cell Delay Variation Tolerance (CDVT), 495
- Cell Error Ratio (CER), 496
- Cell Loss Priority (CLP)
- in ATM adaptation layer 5, 293
- defined, 498
- Cell Loss Ratio (CLR), 498
- cell payload scrambling, 496
- cell relays, 496
- cell tax in ATM, 85, 294
- Cell Transfer Delay (CTD), 500
- cells, 496
- Central Office (CO), 498
- centralization for security, 31
- Centrex service, 496
- CEO support attacks, 367
- CER (Cell Error Ratio), 496
- CGMP (Cisco Group Messaging Protocol), 416
- Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP), 278
- defined, 496
- in PPP, 315
- change management, 403
- Channel Interface Processor (CIP), 497
- Channel Service Unit (CSU), 500
- channelized E1, 496
- channelized T1, 496
- channels
- in ISDN, 315–316
- in mainframes, 336
- chaos encryption systems, 379
- CHAP (Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol), 278
- defined, 496
- in PPP, 315
- cheap components, 7
- checksums, 496
- choke packets, 497
- Chooser tool, 192, 194–195, 195
- CICS (Customer Information Control System), 336
- CIDR (Classless Internet Domain Routing), 100, 155, 497
- CIP (Channel Interface Processor), 497
- CIR (committed information rate)
- defined, 497
- in Frame Relay, 280
- Cisco Connection Online (CCO) Web site, 430
- Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP), 168, 495
- Cisco Express Forwarding (CEF), 121–123
- Cisco FRAD, 497
- Cisco Group Messaging Protocol (CGMP), 416
- Cisco IOS software
- for AppleTalk networks, 199–205
- defined, 497
- CiscoFusion architecture, 497
- CiscoView tool, 497
- CiscoWorks network management suite
- for monitoring and management, 406–407
- for trend analysis, 431
- classes in IP addresses, 98–101
- classful routing protocols, 96–97
- classical IP over ATM, 498
- Classless Internet Domain Routing (CIDR), 100, 155, 497
- classless routing protocols, 97
- CLI (command-line interface) in Cisco-Works, 406–407
- clients, network design with, 41–42
- CLNP (Connectionless Network Protocol), 174
- CLP (Cell Loss Priority)
- in ATM adaptation layer 5, 293
- defined, 498
- CLR (Cell Loss Ratio), 498
- cluster controllers, 334
- clustering, 106
- CNN (Composite Network Node) service, 349
- CO (Central Office), 498
- collapsed backbones, 76
- defined, 498
- dual, 345
- collision domains, 498
- collisions
- defined, 498
- as network design issue, 31
- command-line interface (CLI) in CiscoWorks, 406–407
- committed information rate (CIR)
- defined, 497
- in Frame Relay, 280
- Common Part Convergence Sublayer (CPCS), 500
- compatibility in DLSw, 342
- complexity in ATM, 85
- Composite Network Node (CNN) service, 349
- conception in network design, 3, 401
- Concord Network Health product
- reports in, 73
- for trend analysis, 431
- concurrent usage in network design, 7–8
- configuration in network design, 35–36,40
- configuration registers, 498
- congestion, 498
- congestion avoidance, 498
- congestion collapse, 499
- Connection Admission Control (CAC), 495
- Connection Associated Layer Management information, 292
- connection-oriented communication, 499
- connectionless communication, 499
- Connectionless Network Protocol (CLNP), 174
- connections
- ESCON, 336
- for routing protocols, 113
- connectors for LANs, 59–60
- constant bit rate (CBR) service
- in CLP, 293
- defined, 495
- constraints in network design, 402
- consultants for security, 364
- contention
- in LANs, 71
- as network design issue, 31
- contracting requirements in network design, 402
- control direct VCC, 499
- control distribute VCC, 499
- control in remote access networks, 318–319
- control point (CP) service, 348
- convergence and convergence time, 499
- in EIGRP, 152, 152, 155
- in IGRP, 146–147
- in IP, 132, 135
- in OSPF, 166
- in RIP, 141
- copper cables
- vs. fiber, 61
- for LANs, 59
- security risks in, 381
- Copper Distributed Data Interface (CDDI), 57
- core layer in three-tier network model, 20–21, 21–22
- corruption of data, 368
- cost, 499
- in network design, 6–10,399
- in ring network model, 14
- in security, 363
- in star network model, 13
- in three-tier network model, 18
- in WANs, 276–277
- counting to infinity, 499
- CP (control point) service, 348
- CPCS (Common Part Convergence Sublayer), 500
- CPE (Customer Premises Equipment), 500
- CPU for EIGRP routers, 156
- crankback mechanism, 500
- CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check), 500
- CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection), 500
- CSU (Channel Service Unit), 500
- CTD (Cell Transfer Delay), 500
- custom queuing, 346–347, 347
- Customer Information Control System (CICS), 336
- customer needs specification documents, 405
- Customer Premises Equipment (CPE), 500
- cut-through switching mode, 64, 500
- Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC), 500
- D channels
- bandwidth of, 315
- defined, 501
- Data Circuit-Terminating Equipment (DCE), 501
- Data Country Code (DCC), 501
- data direct VCC, 501
- Data Exchange Interface (DXI), 504
- Data Link Connection Identifiers (DLCIs)
- defined, 503
- for PVCs, 280–281
- data-link layer, 501
- Data Network Identification Codes (DNICs), 313
- Data Service Units (DSUs), 503
- Data Set Ready (DSR) devices, 503
- data terminal equipment (DTE), 503
- data terminal ready (DTR) circuit, 504
- data throughput in network design, 405
- Datagram Delivery Protocol (DDP), 188, 502
- datagrams, 501
- DCC (Data Country Code), 501
- DCE (Data Circuit-Terminating Equipment), 501
- DDNS (Dynamic Domain Name Service), 250
- DDP (Datagram Delivery Protocol), 188, 502
- DDR (dial-on-demand routing) circuits, 502
- and administrative distance, 111
- in Frame Relay, 285–286, 286
- in IPX, 232–233
- debug command, 406
- dedicated WAN services, 273
- default routes, 502
- delays, 502
- in IGRP, 143
- in IPX RIP, 217
- in IPXWAN, 220
- in OSPF, 166
- in SNA, 339
- demarcation points, 421, 502
- demilitarized zones (DMZs), 32, 361–362
- demodulation, 502
- demultiplexing, 502
- denial-of-service (DOS) attacks, 377
- dense mode in PIM, 417
- designated bridges, 502
- designated routers, 159, 163
- desktop protocols for Windows, 243–244
- destination addresses, 503
- Destination Service Access Points (DSAPs), 503
- detecting security attacks, 364–367
- DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), 250–251
- address assignments in, 255–256
- lease length in, 252, 253
- vs. LECS, 83
- server redundancy in, 254–255
- in three-tier network model, 24
- with WINS, 249
- diagnostics with proxy ARP function, 137
- diagrams in network design, 404
- dial-on-demand routing (DDR) networks, 502
- and administrative distance, 111
- in Frame Relay, 285–286, 286
- in IPX, 232–233
- Diffusing Update Algorithm (DUAL)
- defined, 504
- in EIGRP, 150–154, 151–152
- Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer (DSLAM), 324
- Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) technologies, 322–326, 323
- Dijkstra algorithm, 159
- Direct RSRB protocol, 340
- directed broadcasts, 503
- discontiguous subnets
- defined, 97
- in TCP/IP, 115–116, 115
- discovery mode, 503
- distance command, 112
- distance-insensitive billing, 279
- distance limitations for LANs, 60
- Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol (DVMRP), 417–418, 504
- distance-vector protocols, 503
- distribute-list command, 202
- distributed backbones, 74
- distributed switching, 120
- distribution layer in three-tier network model, 20, 21, 22–24, 24
- distribution rooms, 74
- DLCIs (data link connection identifiers)
- defined, 503
- for PVCs, 280–281
- DLSw, 341–343
- DMZs (demilitarized zones), 32, 361–362
- DNICs (Data Network Identification Codes), 313
- DNS (Domain Name Service)
- defined, 503
- dynamic, 249–250
- documentation
- in EIGRP, 149
- for security, 360
- for tunnels, 204
- Domain Manager, 406
- Domain Name Service (DNS)
- defined, 503
- dynamic, 249–250
- domains in Windows networking, 245–246, 246
- DOS (denial-of-service) attacks, 377
- dotted decimal notation, 105
- downtime costs in security, 363
- DPT (Dynamic Packet Transport), 274
- DSAPs (Destination Service Access Points), 503
- DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) technologies, 322–326, 323
- DSLAM (Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer), 324
- DSR (Data Set Ready) devices, 503
- DSUs (Data Service Units), 503
- DTE (data terminal equipment), 503
- DTR (data terminal ready) circuit, 504
- DUAL (Diffusing Update Algorithm)
- defined, 504
- in EIGRP, 150–154, 151–152
- dual backbone rings, 344–345, 345
- dual DMZs, 361
- dual front-end processors, 343–344, 344
- dumb terminals, 334, 336
- DVMRP (Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol), 417–418, 504
- DXI (Data Exchange Interface), 504
- Dynamic Domain Name Service (DDNS), 250
- Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. See DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
- Dynamic Packet Transport (DPT), 274
- dynamic routing, 504
- E.164 field, 504
- E channels, 504
- E1 circuits, 504
- eBGP (external BGP) routes, 169–170
- edge devices, 504
- EEPROM, 505
- EFCI (Explicit Forward Congestion Indication), 505
- 80/20 rule in three-tier network model, 26–27
- 802.1q standard, 70
- 802.10 standard, 70–71
- EIGRP (Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol), 148–149, 506
- in AppleTalk networks, 197–198
- DUAL in, 150–154, 151–152
- external routes for, 157–158
- in IPX, 228–229
- neighbors in, 149–150, 157
- real world design, 156–157
- relationships with IRGP, 154–156
- EIP (Ethernet Interface Processor), 505
- ELAN (Emulated LAN), 505
- ELAP (EtherTalk Link Access Protocol), 505
- election of Browse Masters, 260
- Emulated LAN (ELAN), 505
- EN (end node) service in APPN, 348
- encapsulation, 505
- in AppleTalk networks, 203
- in IPX, 221
- of RSRB traffic, 340–341
- of SNA traffic, 338–339
- in WANs, 277–278
- encryption, 505
- as design consideration, 432–434
- in security, 379–381
- end node (EN) service in APPN, 348
- end stations in three-tier network model, 26
- Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol. SeeEIGRP (Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol)
- enterprise networks, 506
- Enterprise System Connect (ESCON) connections, 336
- EPROM, 506
- equal-cost load balancing, 148
- equipment amortization, 9
- ESCON (Enterprise System Connect) connections, 336
- ESF (Extended Superframe) types, 506
- EtherChannel technologies, 69
- Ethernet frame types in IPX, 221
- Ethernet Interface Processor (EIP), 505
- Ethernet networks, 506
- in LANs, 57
- in OSPF, 165
- EtherTalk Link Access Protocol (ELAP), 505
- EtherTalk protocol, 506
- excess rate, 506
- excessive broadcasts as network design issue, 29–30
- expansion process, 506
- expedited delivery, 506
- expense in security, 363
- Explicit Forward Congestion Indication (EFCI), 505
- explorer packets
- defined, 507
- with dual FEPs, 345
- Extended Superframe (ESF) types, 506
- exterior routes, 113
- external BGP (eBGP) routes, 169–170
- external link advertisements, 164
- external routes for EIGRP, 157–158
- external security threats, 359
- failover, automatic, 420
- failure domains, 507
- failure points
- in physical layer, 421, 421
- in ring network model, 14
- in star network model, 13
- fake circuit attacks, 366
- fallback mechanism, 507
- Fast Serial Interface Processor (FSIP), 509
- fast switching, 507
- in IGRP, 145, 145
- in IP, 119
- in IPX RIP, 217
- FastEthernet Interface Processor (FEIP), 508
- FastEthernet networks
- defined, 507
- for LANs, 57
- FastPacket cells, 298
- fat-clients, 318
- fault tolerance
- in design, 363
- in NLSP, 227
- FC termination types for LANs, 60
- FDDI (Fiber Distributed Data Interface), 5, 507
- in IPX, 221
- in LANs, 57, 74–76, 75
- in OSPF, 165
- FDM (Frequency-Division Multiplexing), 507
- feasible distance in EIGRP, 151
- feasible successors in EIGRP, 151–152, 151
- FECN (Forward-Explicit Congestion Notification) bits, 507
- FedExNet, 43
- FEIP (FastEthernet Interface Processor), 508
- FEPs (front-end processors)
- dual, 343–344, 344
- in mainframes, 334, 335
- FIB (Forwarding Information Base), 122
- Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI), 5, 507
- in IPX, 221
- in LANs, 57, 74–76, 75
- in OSPF, 165
- fiber-optic cables
- vs. copper wire, 61
- for LANs, 59
- security risks in, 380
- File Transfer Protocol (FTP), 509
- filters
- in AppleTalk networks, 200–202
- in IPX, 231
- in IPX SAP, 218
- in NetBIOS over IPX, 229, 230
- in Windows networking, 244
- FIN (finished) bits, 377
- firewalls, 508
- for DSL, 325
- in Internet network design, 427
- for security, 360–362, 361–362, 370–373
- stateful-inspection, 373–375
- 5-4-3-2-1 rule, 67
- fixed-length ATM cells, 80–81
- fixed-location solutions for remote access networks, 321
- flaps in OSPF, 166
- flash memory, 508
- flat network model, 11–12, 300
- flexibility in VPNs, 386
- floating-static routes, 136, 286, 286
- flooding, 508
- flow control, 508
- flow diagrams in network design, 404
- flush timers, 147
- Forward-Explicit Congestion Notification (FECN) bits, 507
- Forwarding Information Base (FIB), 122
- forwarding modes, 64
- FRADs (Frame Relay access devices), 508
- fragmentation, 508
- fragments, 508
- Frame Relay access devices (FRADs), 508
- Frame Relay Access Support (FRAS), 509
- Frame Relay bridging, 509
- Frame Relay Forum LMI, 282
- Frame Relay networks, 279–281, 281, 509
- address mapping in, 283
- backup interfaces in, 287
- Local Management Interface in, 282, 282
- nonbroadcast multiaccess in, 283–285, 284
- with point-to-point subinterfaces, 285
- redundancy in, 285–286, 286
- RFC 1490 for, 283
- for RSRB encapsulation, 340
- frames
- defined, 508
- in IPX, 220–222, 222
- FRAS (Frame Relay Access Support), 509
- free-trade zones, 201
- frequency, 509
- Frequency-Division Multiplexing (FDM), 507
- front-end processors (FEPs)
- dual, 343–344, 344
- in mainframes, 334, 335
- FSIP (Fast Serial Interface Processor), 509
- FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 509
- full-duplex communication, 509
- full-mesh topology, 15–16, 15
- in NBMA, 284
- in NLSP, 227
- in subinterfaces, 285
- future needs in network design, 4, 29
- Gantt charts, 402
- gateways
- in MacIP, 205
- in mainframes, 336
- in remote access, 317–318
- GDP (Gateway Discovery Protocol), 113
- Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE)
- in AppleTalk networks, 203–204
- defined, 510
- Get Nearest Server (GNS) process, 223–225, 225, 509
- getzonelist-filter command, 202
- GetZoneList (GZL) filters, 201–202
- GetZoneList (GZL) queries, 195
- GFC (Generic Flow Control) bits, 292
- GigabitEthernet, 57
- global domain organizations, 245
- GRE (Generic Routing Encapsulation)
- in AppleTalk networks, 203–204
- defined, 510
- group addressing in SMDS, 301
- guard bands, 510
- GZL (GetZoneList) filters, 201–202
- GZL (GetZoneList) queries, 195
- H channels, 510
- half-duplex communications, 510
- handshakes, 510
- HDLC (High-Level Data Link Control) protocol, 510
- for mainframes, 338
- in WANs, 278
- HDSL technology, 324
- HEC (Header Error Control), 293
- hello messages
- in EIGRP, 150
- in OSPF, 158
- helper addresses, 251, 510
- hierarchical addressing, 106, 510
- hierarchical network model, 17–21, 18, 21
- access layer in, 24–25
- core layer in, 21, 22
- distribution layer in, 22–24, 24
- guidelines for, 25–28, 26
- high-capacity backbones, 5
- high-density solutions for remote access networks, 321–322
- High-Level Data Link Control (HDLC) protocol, 510
- for mainframes, 338
- in WANs, 278
- High-Speed Communications Interface (HSCI), 511
- High-Speed Serial Interface (HSSI), 511
- HIP (HSSI Interface Processor), 510
- hiring requirements, 402
- historical data collection, 406
- holddown state, 511
- holddown timers, 147
- honey pots, 365–366
- hops and hop counts, 511
- in AT EIGRP, 198
- in IGRP, 144
- in IPX RIP, 217
- in NLSP, 226
- in RIP, 140–141
- in routers, 110
- horizontal systems, 73
- hosts
- for routing protocols, 113
- security for, 381–382, 403
- hotelling, 252
- HSCI (High-Speed Communications Interface), 511
- HSRP (Hot Standby Router Protocol), 511
- and black holes, 424–426, 424–425
- for host connections, 113
- for redundancy, 419–420, 420, 422
- HSSI (High-Speed Serial Interface), 511
- HSSI Interface Processor (HIP), 510
- HTTPS (Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol), 376
- hubs
- in LANs, 65
- for media contention, 31
- humor, Web sites for, 482
- IARP (Inverse ARP) function
- defined, 513
- in Frame Relay, 283
- ICD (International Code Designator), 511
- ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol), 113, 422, 511
- IDSL technology, 324
- IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), 511
- IEEE 802.1 specification, 512
- IEEE 802.3 protocol, 512
- IEEE 802.5 protocol, 512
- IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol), 416–417, 512
- IGP (Interior Gateway Protocol), 512
- IGRP (Interior Gateway Routing Protocol), 141–142
- convergence in, 146–147
- load balancing in, 144–145, 145
- relationships with EIGRP, 154–156
- routing metrics in, 143–144
- IGX switches, 299
- IISP (Interim Inter-Switch Signaling Protocol), 297
- ILMI (Interim Local Management Interface), 512
- IMA (Inverse multiplexing for ATM), 288
- implementation
- as design goal, 9
- in network design, 3, 10, 41, 401
- in three-tier network model, 19
- in-band management, 512
- infrared links, 429
- initial costs, 9
- input-sap-filter command, 219
- INS (Intelligent Network Server), 298
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 511
- insured bursts, 512
- Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN)
- defined, 514
- for remote access networks, 314– 316, 321
- integration in network design, 400
- Intelligent Network Server (INS), 298
- inter-autonomous system routing protocol, 170
- Inter-Switch Link (ISL) protocol, 69–70
- interarea routing, 513
- interconnecting layers in three-tier network model, 25, 26
- interface-level access lists, 372
- interface processors for routers, 513
- Interim Inter-Switch Signaling Protocol (IISP), 297
- Interim Local Management Interface (ILMI), 512
- Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP), 512
- Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP), 141–142
- convergence in, 146–147
- load balancing in, 144–145, 145
- relationships with EIGRP, 154–156
- routing metrics in, 143–144
- interior routes, 113
- interior routing protocol, 173
- Intermediate System-to-Intermediate System (IS-IS) protocol, 173–174
- internal routers in OSPF, 160
- internal security threats, 359
- International Code Designator (ICD), 511
- International Telecommunication Union Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T), 515
- Internet, 513
- in IP and IPX, 215
- network design for, 426–429
- Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP), 113, 422, 511
- Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP), 416–417, 512
- Internet protocols, 513
- Internet Service Providers (ISPs)
- caching by, 376
- security with, 372–373
- internets, 513
- internetwork design, 39, 396–397,513
- concepts in, 397–399
- methodology model for, 400–402, 401
- network monitoring and management in, 406–407
- overview, 399–400
- process of, 402–405
- review questions, 409–412
- summary, 408
- Internetwork Packet Exchange. See IPX (Internetwork Packet Exchange) protocol
- internetworking, 513
- interoperability
- in AppleTalk networks, 206
- in ATM, 85
- intra-area routing, 513
- Inverse ARP (IARP) function
- defined, 513
- in Frame Relay, 283
- Inverse multiplexing for ATM (IMA), 288
- IOS Firewall Feature Set, 371
- IOS software
- for AppleTalk networks, 199–205
- defined, 497
- IP (Internet Protocol)
- defined, 513
- vs. IPX, 214–216
- IP addresses, 33, 98, 514
- classes in, 98–101
- vs. IPX, 215
- real world design, 102
- spoofing, 377
- subnetting, 101–104
- IP Control Protocol (IPCP), 514
- IP eXchange gateway, 231–232, 232
- IP FST, 340
- IP helper addresses, 251
- IP multicasts, 415–418, 416
- defined, 514
- and QoS, 418–419
- IP routing protocols, 132–136
- BGP, 169–173
- EIGRP, 148–158, 151–152
- IGRP, 141–148, 145
- IS-IS, 173–174
- ODR, 168, 169
- OSPF, 158–167, 161, 166
- review questions, 176–182
- RIP, 139–141, 140–141
- static routing, 136–139
- summary, 174–175
- IP v6, 100, 108
- IPCP (IP Control Protocol), 514
- IPSec, support for, 387
- IPX (Internetwork Packet Exchange) protocol, 214–216, 514
- access lists in, 231
- frame types in, 220–222, 222
- Get Nearest Server process in, 223–225, 225
- IP eXchange gateway for, 231–232, 232
- with IPX EIGRP, 228–229
- IPXWAN, 220
- NetBIOS over IPX, 229–231, 230
- with NLSP, 225–227, 227–228
- review questions, 235–240
- RIP, 216–218
- SAP traffic in, 218–219, 223
- summary, 234
- watchdog spoof, 232–233, 233
- IPX Control Protocol (IPXCP), 514
- ipx delay command, 217
- ipx link-delay command, 220
- ipx maximum-paths command, 217
- ipx route-cache same-interface command, 222
- IPX switches, 299
- ipx type-20-propagation command, 230
- IPXCP (IPX Control Protocol), 514
- IPXWAN protocol, 220, 514
- IS-IS (Intermediate System-to-Intermediate System) protocol, 173–174
- ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network)
- defined, 514
- for remote access networks, 314–316, 321
- ISL (Inter-Switch Link) protocol, 69–70
- isochronous transmissions, 514
- ISPs (Internet Service Providers)
- caching by, 376
- security with, 372–373
- ITU-T (International Telecommunication
- Union Telecommunication Standardization Sector), 515
- ITU-T Q.933 Annex A, 282
- job search Web sites, 481–482
- keepalives
- in IGRP, 146
- in OSPF, 166
- keys
- in encryption, 379
- in VPNs, 387
- kiosk concept, 428
- L2F (Layer 2 Forwarding Protocol), 316
- L2TP (Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol)
- ISDN for, 316
- in VPNs, 387
- LAAs (locally administered addresses), 343
- LAN Emulation Client (LEC), 81–82, 516
- LAN Emulation Configuration Server (LECS), 83, 516
- LAN Emulation Network-to-Network Interface (LNNI), 517
- LAN Emulation Server (LES), 82, 516
- LAN Emulation User-to-Network Interface (LUNI), 518
- LAN switches, 515
- LANE (LAN Emulation), 515
- ATM with, 81
- benefits of, 85
- connection sequence in, 83, 84
- for LANs, 71
- LANs, 54–56, 58–59, 58, 515
- bridges and switches for, 63–65, 515
- cabling for, 59–62
- network design in, 71–73
- nodes in, 65–67
- routers for, 62–63
- routing and switching in, 65
- technologies for, 57–58
- trunking in, 67–71, 68
- LAPB (Link Access Procedure, Balanced) protocol, 515
- for WANs, 279
- for X.25, 313
- LAPD (Link Access Procedure on the D channel) protocol, 515
- laser installations, 429
- LATA (local access and transport area) boundaries in OSPF, 167
- latency, 515
- in ATM, 80, 85, 288
- in network design, 405
- in routers, 63
- in SNA, 339
- in WANs, 275–276
- Layer 2 design vs. Layer 3, 76–80, 77–78, 422–426, 423–425
- Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP)
- ISDN for, 316
- in VPNs, 387
- Layer 3 boundaries in three-tier network model, 27–28
- Layer-3 switches, 516
- layers in IS-IS, 174
- LCP (Link Control Protocol)
- defined, 516
- for ISDN, 315
- LE ARP, 516
- leaky buckets, 516
- learning bridges, 516
- lease length in DHCP, 252, 253
- LEC (LAN Emulation Client), 81–82, 516
- LECS (LAN Emulation Configuration Server), 83, 516
- legal system and security, 365
- LEN (low-entry networking) service, 349
- LES (LAN Emulation Server), 82, 516
- lifespan
- of cable plants, 4
- as network design issue, 29
- Link Access Procedure, Balanced (LAPB) protocol, 515
- for WANs, 279
- for X.25, 313
- Link Access Procedure on the D channel (LAPD) protocol, 515
- Link Control Protocol (LCP)
- defined, 516
- for ISDN, 315
- link failure detection in OSPF, 166
- link-state advertisement (LSA) types
- defined, 517
- in OSPF, 163–164
- link-state databases, 165
- link-state routing, 517
- LLAP (LocalTalk Link Access Protocol), 517
- LLC (Logical Link Control)
- defined, 517
- in IPX, 221
- LLC2 termination, 342
- LMHOSTS file, 247
- LMI (Local Management Interface)
- defined, 517
- for frame relay, 282, 282, 287
- LNNI (LAN Emulation Network-to-Net-work Interface), 517
- load balancing, 419–422, 420–421
- in DLSw, 342–343
- in EIGRP, 148, 152
- in firewalls, 362
- in IGRP, 144–145, 145
- in IP, 118–123
- in IPX RIP, 217
- in network design, 404
- loading metric, 143
- local access and transport area (LATA) boundaries in OSPF, 167
- local explorer packets, 517
- Local Management Interface (LMI)
- defined, 517
- for frame relay, 282, 282, 287
- Local-RIB process table, 172
- local routers in IPX, 221
- Local SRB protocol, 340
- locally administered addresses (LAAs), 343
- LocalTalk Link Access Protocol (LLAP), 517
- LocalTalk protocol
- defined, 517
- MacIP for, 205
- location transparency, 435
- logging
- in CiscoWorks, 407
- in security, 364–365
- Logical Link Control (LLC)
- defined, 517
- in IPX, 221
- logical units (LUs), 335
- loopback functions, 100
- loopback interfaces, 343
- lost productivity costs, 363
- lost-route algorithm, 217
- low-density solutions for remote access networks, 321
- low-entry networking (LEN) service, 349
- LSA (link-state advertisement) types
- defined, 517
- in OSPF, 163–164
- LUNI (LAN Emulation User-to-Network Interface), 518
- LUs (logical units), 335
- MAC addresses, 518
- MAC (Media Access Control) sublayer, 518
- MAC (move, add, and change) process, 35– 36
- machine names in AppleTalk networks, 193
- Macintosh IP, 205, 518
- mainframes, 334–337, 335
- with APPN, 348–350
- with DLSw, 341–343
- queuing in, 345–347, 346–347
- redundancy in, 343–345, 344–345
- review questions, 351–356
- Routing Information Field for, 337–338
- with RSRB, 339–341, 339
- with SDLC tunneling, 338–339
- summary, 350
- maintenance in network design, 41
- major networks, 97
- manageability
- in network design, 9, 403, 406–407
- in three-tier network model, 20
- Management Information Base (MIB), 519
- Manchester encoding, 518
- MANs (metropolitan-area networks), 518
- masks, 106
- master domain organizations, 246, 246
- Maximum Burst Size (MBS), 519
- maximum bursts, 518
- Maximum Cell Delay Variation (MCDV), 519
- Maximum Cell Loss Ratio (MCLR), 519
- Maximum Cell Transfer Delay (MCTD), 519
- maximum rate, 518
- maximum transfer units (MTUs)
- defined, 520
- in IGRP, 144
- MBONE backbones, 417, 519
- MBS (Maximum Burst Size), 519
- MCDV (Maximum Cell Delay Variation), 519
- MCLR (Maximum Cell Loss Ratio), 519
- MCR (Minimum Cell Rate), 519
- MCTD (Maximum Cell Transfer Delay), 519
- Media Access Control (MAC) sublayer, 518
- media contention
- in LANs, 71
- as network design issue, 31
- media in LANs, 56
- MEDs (multi-exit discriminators), 171, 173
- memory for EIGRP routers, 156
- mesh network model, 15–16, 15–16
- in NBMA, 284
- in NLSP, 227
- in RTMP, 197
- in subinterfaces, 285
- Meta IP application, 250
- metrics, 531
- in AT EIGRP, 198
- in EIGRP, 156–157
- in IGRP, 143–144
- in IPX RIP, 217–218
- in IS-IS, 174
- in routers, 110
- metropolitan-area networks (MANs), 518
- MIB (Management Information Base), 519
- microwave installations, 429
- millions of instructions per second (mips), 520
- Minimum Cell Rate (MCR), 519
- MIP (Multichannel Interface Processor), 519
- mips (millions of instructions per second), 520
- MLP (Multilink PPP), 316, 520
- MMP (Multichassis Multilink PPP), 316, 520
- mobile hosting in EIGRP, 154
- mobile users, 320
- Modeler tool, 299
- modem eliminators, 520
- modems
- defined, 520
- security risks in, 382
- modular designs for scalability, 5
- modulation, 520
- modulo configuration in LAPB, 279
- monitoring
- in network design, 41, 406–407
- in security, 364
- tools for, 10
- MOSPF (Multicast OSPF), 164, 520
- move, add, and change (MAC) process, 35–36
- MPOA (Multiprotocol over ATM), 520
- MTUs (maximum transfer units)
- defined, 520
- in IGRP, 144
- multi-exit discriminators (MEDs), 171, 173
- multi-homed AS in BGP, 170–171
- multicast addresses, 521
- Multicast OSPF (MOSPF), 164, 520
- multicast send VCC, 521
- multicasts, 82
- defined, 520
- IP, 415–419, 416, 514
- Multichannel Interface Processor (MIP), 519
- Multichassis Multilink PPP (MMP), 316, 520
- multilayer switches, 521
- Multilink PPP (MLP), 316, 520
- multiple master domain organizations, 246, 246
- multiplexing, 521
- Multiprotocol over ATM (MPOA), 520
- NAK response, 521
- Name Binding Protocol (NBP), 188
- defined, 521
- filters for, 201–202
- name resolution services, 247
- DNS and dynamic DNS, 249–250
- LMHOSTS, 247
- WINS, 248–249
- names
- in AppleTalk networks, 191–195, 195
- caching, 244
- filtering, 229, 230
- in IP and IPX, 215
- NAT (Network Address Translation), 374–375, 374, 521
- for IP address shortages, 100
- and public addresses, 108
- National Terminal Numbers (NTNs), 313
- natural masks, 106
- NAUs (Network Addressable Units), 335
- NBMA (nonbroadcast multiaccess), 283–285, 284
- NBP (Name Binding Protocol), 188
- defined, 521
- filters for, 201–202
- NBT protocol, 260, 261
- NCP (NetWare Core Protocol), 216
- NCP (Network Control Program), 334
- neighboring routers, 521
- neighbors in EIGRP, 149–150, 157
- NetBEUI protocol, 256, 257, 259–260, 522
- NetBIOS over IPX, 229–231, 230
- NetBIOS over TCP, 256, 258, 342
- NetBIOS over UDP, 256, 257
- NetBIOS protocols, 256–258, 257–258, 522
- NBT, 260, 261
- NetBEUI, 256, 257, 259–260
- NWLink, 258–259, 259
- NetFlow switching, 120–121
- NetID application, 250
- NetView applications, 522
- NetWare Core Protocol (NCP), 216
- NetWare Link Services Protocol (NLSP), 225–227, 227–228, 523
- NetWare operating system, 522
- Network Address Translation (NAT), 374– 375, 374, 521
- for IP address shortages, 100
- and public addresses, 108
- Network Addressable Units (NAUs), 335
- network availability, 404
- network class in BGP, 170
- Network Control Program (NCP), 334
- network design issues, 2–4, 414
- adaptability, 5
- addressing, 33
- bandwidth, 33–35, 34
- broadcasts, 29–30
- business relationships, 36–37
- case management, 430–431
- with clients, 41–42
- configuration simplification, 35–36, 40
- cost control, 6–10
- encryption, 432–434
- future needs, 29
- future of, 434–436
- Internet, 426–429
- internetwork. See internetwork design
- IP multicast, 415–419, 416
- Layer 2 vs. Layer 3 design, 422–426, 423–425
- media contention, 31
- methodology, 38–41, 38–40
- miscellaneous goals, 9–10
- network lifespan, 29
- new payloads, 35, 404
- problem identification, 28
- redundancy and load balancing, 419–422, 420–421
- references for, 43
- review questions, 46–52, 438–444
- scalability, 4–5, 36
- security, 31–33
- summary, 44–45, 436–437
- trend analysis and capacity planning, 431–432
- troubleshooting considerations, 426
- wireless, 429–430
- network design models, 10–11
- flat, 11–12
- mesh, 15–16, 15–16
- ring, 13–15, 13–14
- star, 12–13, 12
- three-tier, 17–21, 18, 21
- access layer in, 24–25
- core layer in, 21, 22
- distribution layer in, 22–24, 24
- guidelines for, 25–28, 26
- two-tier, 16–17
- network design technologies
- LANs. See LANs
- physical topologies, 73–76, 75–76
- ATM in, 80–85, 84
- Layer 2 vs. Layer 3, 76–80, 77–78
- spanning trees, 79–80
- review questions, 88–94
- summary, 86–87
- Network File System (NFS) protocol
- defined, 522
- IPX support for, 216
- network interface cards (NICs), 523
- network layer, 522
- network lifespan as design issue, 29
- network link advertisements, 164
- Network Management Processor (NMP), 523
- network monitoring and management
- in network design, 41, 406–407
- in security, 364
- tools for, 10
- network node (NN) service in APPN, 348
- network numbers in AppleTalk addresses, 190
- network requirements, 39
- network response time, 404
- Network Service Access Point (NSAP), 296
- Network-to-Network Interface (NNI), 291, 291
- network traffic
- in network design, 404
- in WANs, 277–279
- network utilization, 404
- network-visible entries (NVEs), 191
- new payloads as network design issue, 35, 404
- Next Hop Resolution Protocol (NHRP), 522
- Next Hop Server (NHS), 523
- NFS (Network File System) protocol
- defined, 522
- IPX support for, 216
- NHRP (Next Hop Resolution Protocol), 522
- NHS (Next Hop Server), 523
- NICs (network interface cards), 523
- NLSP (NetWare Link Services Protocol), 225–227, 227–228, 523
- NMP (Network Management Processor), 523
- NN (network node) service in APPN, 348
- NNI (Network-to-Network Interface), 291, 291
- nodes
- in AppleTalk networks, 190, 194
- in APPN, 348
- in IPX, 216
- in LANs, 65–67
- in remote access networks, 319–320
- in scalability, 36
- nodes per broadcast domain, 66
- nodes per NLSP area, 226
- non-business-related network use, 432
- non-stub areas, 523
- nonreturn to zero (NRZ) signals, 523
- nonreturn to zero inverted (NRZI) signals, 523
- nontechnical solutions, 42–43
- nonvolatile RAM (NVRAM), 523
- Novell networks, 214
- access lists, 231
- with IP eXchange gateway, 231–232, 232
- with IPX. See IPX (Internetwork Packet Exchange) protocol
- with IPX EIGRP, 228–229
- with NetBIOS over IPX, 229–231, 230
- with NLSP, 225–227, 227–228
- review questions, 235–240
- summary, 234
- watchdog spoof, 232–233, 233
- NRZ (nonreturn to zero) signals, 523
- NRZI (nonreturn to zero inverted) signals, 523
- NSAP (Network Service Access Point), 296
- NTNs (National Terminal Numbers), 313
- NVEs (network-visible entries), 191
- NVRAM (nonvolatile RAM), 523
- NWLink protocol, 230, 258–259, 259
- OAM tool, 293
- OC (Optical Carrier) protocols, 523
- occasional remote users, 320
- on-demand routing (ODR) protocol, 115, 168, 169
- 100BaseT specification, 523
- 100BaseTX specification, 524
- ones density scheme, 524
- Open Shortest Path First. See OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) protocol
- Open System Interconnection (OSI) reference model, 10–11
- and AppleTalk networks, 186–188, 187 defined, 524
- OpenView platform, 406
- operating systems, resources for, 479
- opportunity costs, 36
- Optical Carrier (OC) protocols, 523
- Optimizer tool, 299
- optimum switching in IP, 120
- OSI (Open System Interconnection) standards, 524
- OSI (Open System Interconnection) reference model, 10–11
- and AppleTalk networks, 186–188, 187
- defined, 524
- OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) protocol, 158–160, 524
- areas in, 161–163
- link-state advertisements in, 163–164
- real world design, 167
- route calculations in, 164–167, 166
- routers in, 160–161, 161
- in three-tier network model, 23
- out-of-band management, 524
- out-of-band signaling, 524
- output-sap-filter command, 219
- outside access requirements, 403
- outsourcing, 27
- over-simplified model, 167
- oversubscribing, 277
- Packet Internetwork Exchange (PIX), 373–375, 374–375
- Packet Level Protocol (PLP), 526
- Packet over SONET (PoS), 274
- packet switched networks (PSNs), 528
- packet switches, 525
- packet switching
- defined, 525
- steps in, 109
- Packet Switching Exchanges (PSEs), 528
- packets, 110
- defined, 525
- in RIP, 139, 140
- PAP (Password Authentication Protocol), 278, 525
- parity checks, 525
- partial-mesh topology, 15–16, 16, 525
- in NBMA, 284
- in NLSP, 227
- in RTMP, 197
- in subinterfaces, 285
- Password Authentication Protocol (PAP), 278, 525
- passwords
- in encryption, 379
- for firewalls, 372
- PAT (Port Address Translation), 374–375, 375
- payload type (PT) bits, 292–293
- payloads
- in ATM adaptation layer 5, 293–294
- as network design issue, 35
- PCAnyWhere, 318
- PCR (Peak Cell Rate)
- defined, 525
- in PVCs, 296
- PCS (personal communications system), 429
- PDCs (Primary Domain Controllers), 245
- PDNs (Public Data Networks), 526
- Peak Cell Rate (PCR)
- defined, 525
- in PVCs, 296
- peak times
- as bandwidth consideration, 34
- in network design, 404
- peer groups in DLSw, 342–343
- per-destination load balancing, 122
- per-packet load balancing, 122
- performance
- in encryption, 380
- in flat network model, 12
- in network design, 404
- with proxy ARP function, 137
- in remote access, 318
- of routers, 63
- in security, 363
- permanent virtual circuits (PVCs), 528
- in ATM, 294–296, 295
- for DSL, 325
- in Frame Relay, 280–281, 285
- in NLSP, 227
- permanent virtual paths (PVPs), 528
- permit-partial-zones command, 202
- personal communications system (PCS), 429
- PGP (Pretty Good Privacy), 526
- phase one and phase two AppleTalk, 189
- physical isolation for security, 381
- physical layer
- defined, 526
- failures in, 421, 421
- physical topologies, 73–76, 75–76
- ATM in, 80–85, 84
- Layer 2 vs. Layer 3, 76–80, 77–78
- spanning trees, 79–80
- physical units (PUs), 335
- PIM (Protocol Independent Multicast)
- for looping, 418
- modes in, 417
- ping command, 406
- ping packets, 526
- pinhole congestion, 145
- PIX (Packet Internetwork Exchange), 373–375, 374–375
- plesiochronous transmissions, 526
- PLP (Packet Level Protocol), 526
- PLUs (primary LUs), 335
- PNNI (Private Network-Network Interface)
- in ATM, 297
- defined, 526
- Point Of Presence (POP), 527
- point-to-multipoint connections, 526
- point-to-point connections, 527
- Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP), 527
- for IPXWAN, 220
- for ISDN, 315
- in remote networking, 262
- in WANs, 278
- point-to-point subinterfaces, 285
- Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP), 316
- points of failure
- in physical layer, 421, 421
- in ring network model, 14
- in star network model, 13
- poison reverse
- defined, 527
- in IGRP, 142, 147
- policies
- acceptable use, 432
- security, 360, 363–364
- polling, 527
- POP (Point Of Presence), 527
- Port Address Translation (PAT), 374–375, 375
- PortFast feature, 80, 424
- ports in Frame Relay, 280
- PoS (Packet over SONET), 274
- PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol), 527
- for IPXWAN, 220
- for ISDN, 315
- in remote networking, 262
- in WANs, 278
- PPTP (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol), 316
- practice exam, 446–460
- predictability
- as design goal, 9
- in three-tier network model, 19–20
- prefix routing, 106
- presentation layer, 527
- Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), 526
- PRI (Primary Rate Interface)
- bandwidth in, 315
- defined, 527
- Primary Domain Controllers (PDCs), 245
- primary LUs (PLUs), 335
- Priority-IDs, 163
- priority queuing, 346–347, 527
- private addresses in TCP/IP, 105–108, 106
- private cables, security risks in, 380–381
- Private Network-Network Interface (PNNI)
- in ATM, 297
- defined, 526
- process switching, 528
- in IGRP, 145, 145
- in IP, 118
- in IPX RIP, 217
- in priority queuing, 346
- project-related work, funding for, 6
- PROM, 528
- propagation delay, 528
- propagation of routing updates, 135
- protocol analyzers, 407
- Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM)
- for looping, 418
- modes in, 417
- protocol stacks, 528
- protocols, 528
- in LANs, 56, 72
- as network design issue, 36
- provision phase in projects, 401
- proxies
- in MacIP, 205
- in TCP/IP, 108
- in Windows networking, 244
- proxy ARP function, 113, 136–137
- PSEs (Packet Switching Exchanges), 528
- PSNs (packet switched networks), 528
- PSTNs (Public Switched Telephone Networks), 261, 528
- PT (payload type) bits, 292–293
- PTI coding, 292
- public addresses in TCP/IP, 105–109, 106
- public cables, security risks in, 380
- Public Data Networks (PDNs), 526
- Public Switched Telephone Networks (PSTNs), 261, 528
- PUs (physical units), 335
- PVCs (permanent virtual circuits), 528
- in ATM, 294–296, 295
- for DSL, 325
- in Frame Relay, 280–281, 285
- in NLSP, 227
- PVP tunneling, 528
- PVPs (permanent virtual paths), 528
- QoS (quality of service)
- defined, 529
- design considerations for, 418–419
- queues
- defined, 529
- in mainframes, 345–347, 346–347
- quiet routing protocols, 275
- RADIUS (Remote Access Dial-In User Service), 382
- RARP (Reverse Address Resolution Protocol), 529
- RAS (Remote Access Server), 262
- rate queues, 529
- RCP (Remote Copy Protocol), 529
- readdressing in NLSP, 226
- real-time network analysis, 406
- recurring costs, 9
- redirectors, 362, 362
- redistribution, 529
- in EIGRP, 154, 157
- in NLSP, 226
- redistribution resources, 362, 362
- redundancy, 529
- in DHCP, 254–255
- in Frame Relay, 285–286, 286
- HSRP for, 419–422, 420–421
- in mainframes, 343–345, 344–345
- in network design, 400
- in OSPF, 167
- in WINS, 249
- reflexive access lists, 377–378
- reliability
- in IGRP, 143
- in WANs, 274–275
- Reliable Transport Protocol (RTP), 150
- reliable transports, 149
- reload events, 529
- Remote Access Dial-In User Service (RADIUS), 382
- remote access networks, 312
- control in, 318–319
- DSL in, 322–326, 323
- ISDN in, 314–316, 321
- need for, 316–317
- nodes in, 319–320
- remote gateways for, 317–318
- review questions, 327–332
- summary, 326
- users in, 320–322
- with X.25, 313–314
- Remote Access Server (RAS), 262
- Remote Copy Protocol (RCP), 529
- Remote LAN (RLAN) model, 324–325
- Remote Monitoring (RMON), 72–73, 406
- remote networking with Windows NT, 261–262
- Remote Source Route Bridging (RSRB), 339–341, 339
- rendezvous points (RPs), 417
- renewal traffic in DHCP, 252
- repeaters, 65
- reply filters, 200–201
- reported distance in EIGRP, 151
- Request To Send (RTS) signals, 531
- requesters in business relationships, 37
- requirements in network design, 39, 400, 402–403
- Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP), 418–419
- resources
- in AppleTalk networks, 191
- in network design, 402
- Web-based, 478–482
- response times in network design, 404
- Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP), 529
- Reverse Path Forwarding (RPF), 418
- review in network design, 3, 401
- review questions
- AppleTalk networks, 207–212
- bonus exam, 462–476
- internetwork design, 409–412
- IP routing protocols, 176–182
- mainframes, 351–356
- network design issues, 46–52, 438–444
- network design technologies, 88–94
- Novell and IPX, 235–240
- practice exam, 446–460
- remote access networks, 327–332
- security, 389–394
- TCP/IP, 125–130
- WANs, 305–310
- Windows networking, 265–270
- RFC 1490, 283
- RFC 1597, 107–108
- RFC 1918, 107–108
- RFCs, resources for, 479, 482
- RIF (Routing Information Field), 529
- in DLSw, 342
- for mainframes, 337–338
- ring network model, 13–15, 13–14, 530
- rings, 530
- RIP (Routing Information Protocol), 139–141, 140–141, 530
- in IPX, 216–218
- vs. RTMP, 196
- riser cable, 61
- RJ-45-style (MT-RJ) connectors, 59–60
- RLAN (Remote LAN) model, 324–325
- RMON (Remote Monitoring), 72–73, 406
- route aggregation, 226
- route maps, 171
- Route Processor (RP) module, 531
- route summarization, 530
- in EIGRP, 153
- in IP and IPX, 215
- in NLSP, 227
- in OSPF, 162
- in three-tier network model, 23
- Route Switch Module (RSM), 149–150
- Route/Switch Processor (RSP), 531
- routed protocols, 530
- router-based firewalls, 371–372
- router link advertisements, 164
- router ports for media contention, 31
- router-sap-filter command, 219
- routers, 530
- administrative distance in, 110–112
- for broadcast control, 30
- in EIGRP, 156
- in IPX, 221
- for LANs, 62–63
- for MacIP, 205
- in NLSP, 226
- in OSPF, 160–161, 161
- routing by, 109–110
- for routing protocols, 135
- seed, 532
- in TCP/IP, 109–112
- in three-tier network model, 21, 22
- tools for, 406
- routing and routes, 530
- aggregation of, 226
- in ATM, 297–298
- authentication of, 403
- in EIGRP, 158
- in LANs, 65
- in NLSP, 226
- in OSPF, 164–167, 166
- poisoning, 530
- spoofing, 371
- static, 136–139
- summarizing. See route summarization
- routing domains, 531
- Routing Information Field (RIF), 529
- in DLSw, 342
- for mainframes, 337–338
- Routing Information Protocol (RIP), 139–141, 140–141, 530
- in IPX, 216–218
- vs. RTMP, 196
- routing metrics, 531
- in AT EIGRP, 198
- in EIGRP, 156–157
- in IGRP, 143–144
- in IPX RIP, 217–218
- in IS-IS, 174
- in routers, 110
- routing nodes per NLSP area, 226
- routing protocols, 531
- Routing Table Maintenance Protocol (RTMP), 189, 196–197
- routing tables
- defined, 531
- in three-tier network model, 23
- RP (Route Processor) module, 531
- RPF (Reverse Path Forwarding), 418
- RPs (rendezvous points), 417
- RSM (Route Switch Module), 149–150
- RSP (Route/Switch Processor), 531
- RSRB (Remote Source Route Bridging), 339–341, 339
- RSVP (Resource Reservation Protocol), 418–419
- RTMP (Routing Table Maintenance Protocol), 189, 196–197
- RTP (Reliable Transport Protocol), 150
- RTS (Request To Send) signals, 531
- SAA (Systems Application Architecture) gateway product, 216
- SAIDs (Security Association Identifiers), 70–71
- SAMBA utility, 260
- sampling rates, 531
- SAP (Service Access Point), 531
- SAP (Service Advertising Protocol), 531
- in IPX, 218–219,223
- in IPX EIGRP, 228
- SAR (segmentation and reassembly), 81, 85
- satellite services, 429
- SC termination types, 60
- scalability
- in AppleTalk networks, 184–185
- in IP and IPX, 215
- in IPX SAP, 218
- in NetBIOS over IPX, 229
- in network design, 4–5, 10, 399, 403
- in OSPF, 167
- protocol, 36
- of remote gateways, 318
- in remote networking, 262
- in ring network model, 14
- in star network model, 13
- in static routing, 137
- in three-tier network model, 18–19
- tunnels for, 204
- in WINS, 249
- SCR (Sustainable Cell Rate)
- defined, 532
- in PVCs, 296
- SDLC (Synchronous Data-Link Control) protocol
- defined, 532
- in WANs, 278
- SDLC tunneling (STUN), 338–339
- SDSL technology, 324
- SDSU (SMDS Data Service Unit), 302
- secondary addresses, 98
- secondary interfaces for discontiguous subnets, 115–116
- secondary LUs, 335
- Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTPS), 376
- secure shell (SSH), 433
- security, 358–359
- access lists for, 376–378, 4333
- accounting in, 385
- authentication and authorization in, 382–385
- for cable modems, 325
- caching in, 376
- design failures in, 367–370
- designing for, 31–33, 360–370, 361–362, 402
- detecting and addressing attacks, 364–367
- encryption for, 379–381
- firewalls for, 360–362, 361–363, 370–373
- for hosts, 381–382, 403
- in Internet network design, 427–428
- PIX for, 373–375, 374–375
- policies for, 360, 363–364
- with proxy ARP function, 137
- in remote networking, 262, 320
- review questions, 389–394
- summary, 388
- threats to, 359
- virtual private networks, 386–387
- Security Association Identifiers (SAIDs), 70–71
- seed routers, 532
- segmentation and reassembly (SAR), 81, 85
- Sequence Packet Exchange (SPX) protocol, 535
- Serial 56K in OSPF, 165
- serial direct configuration, 338
- Serial Line Interface Protocol (SLIP), 533
- Serial T1 in OSPF, 165
- Serial Tunnel (STUN) feature, 537
- Server Message Block (SMB) services, 260
- servers, 532
- broadcast control at, 30
- in DHCP, 254–255
- disabling, 372
- for IPX, 223–225, 225
- Service Access Point (SAP), 531
- Service Advertising Protocol (SAP), 531
- in IPX, 218–219, 223
- in IPX EIGRP, 228
- Service Profile Identifiers (SPIDs), 535
- Service-Specific Convergence Protocol (SSCOP) layer, 296
- session layer, 532
- SF (super frame), 532
- SGBP (Stackgroup Bidding Protocol), 316
- Shielded Twisted Pair (STP) wiring, 537
- shortest path first (SPF) algorithm
- defined, 534
- in OSPF, 163, 165
- shortest path switchover process, 417
- show command, 406
- show interface command, 146
- shutdown in BGP, 170
- Signal Quality Error (SQE) transmission, 535
- signaling packets, 532
- significant bits in bit splitting, 162
- silicon switching
- defined, 532
- in IP, 119–120
- Silicon Switching Engine (SSE), 120, 536
- Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), 533
- Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
- for monitoring, 406
- risks from, 372–373, 433
- Simple Server Redundancy Protocol (SSRP), 82
- single domain organizations, 245
- sliding window flow control, 533
- SLIP (Serial Line Interface Protocol), 533
- small servers, disabling, 372
- SMB (Server Message Block) services, 260
- SMDS Data Service Unit (SDSU), 302
- SMDS (Switched Multimegabit Data Service) networks, 301–303, 533
- SMDSU (SMDS Unit), 302
- SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), 533
- SNA (System Network Architecture), 335–336, 533
- SNA over TCP, 342
- SNAP (Sub-Network Access Protocol), 275, 290, 533
- SNASw (Systems Network Architecture Switching) services, 349
- SneakerNet, 43
- SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)
- for monitoring, 406
- risks from, 372–373, 433
- social engineering attacks, 366–367
- sockets
- in AppleTalk addresses, 191
- defined, 533
- solvability issues with tunnels, 204
- SONET (Synchronous Optical Network), 274, 533
- source-route bridging (SRB)
- defined, 535
- in RIF, 338
- source-route translational bridging (SR/TLB), 536
- source-route transparent (SRT) bridging, 535
- Source Service Access Points (SSAPs), 536
- SP (Switch Processor) module, 533
- SPAN (Switched Port Analyzer), 534
- spanning explorer packets, 534
- spanning-tree algorithm (STA), 534
- Spanning-Tree Protocol (STP), 534
- for black holes, 424–425
- in LANs, 65
- in real word design, 79–80
- spanning trees, 534
- spans, 534
- sparse-dense mode in PIM, 417
- sparse mode in PIM, 417
- SPF (shortest path first) algorithm
- defined, 534
- in OSPF, 163, 165
- SPIDs (Service Profile Identifiers), 535
- split horizons, 535
- in IGRP, 142
- in IPX RIP, 217
- in NBMA, 284
- splitterless hardware for DSL, 325
- spoofing, 535
- IP address, 377
- in IPX and SPX, 232–233, 233
- route, 371
- spoolers, 535
- SPX (Sequence Packet Exchange) protocol, 535
- SQE (Signal Quality Error) transmission, 535
- SR/TLB (source-route translational bridging), 536
- SRB (Source-Route Bridging)
- defined, 535
- in RIF, 338
- SRT (source-route transparent) bridging, 535
- SSAPs (Source Service Access Points), 536
- SSCOP (Service-Specific Convergence Protocol) layer, 296
- SSCPs (system services control points), 335–336
- SSEs (Silicon Switching Engines), 120, 536
- SSH (secure shell), 433
- SSPs (Silicon Switch Processors), 119–120
- SSRP (Simple Server Redundancy Protocol), 82
- ST termination types, 60
- STA (spanning-tree algorithm), 534
- stack-group peers, 316
- Stackgroup Bidding Protocol (SGBP), 316
- staffing requirements, 402
- standards
- in network design, 39
- resources for, 479
- star network model, 12–13, 12, 536
- startup ranges, 536
- stateful-inspection firewalls, 373–375
- static routes, 536
- for firewalls, 371
- in network design, 136–139
- statistical multiplexing, 536
- Statistics agent tool, 299–300
- STM-1 (Synchronous Transport Module Level 1), 537
- store-and-forward forwarding mode, 64, 537
- STP (Shielded Twisted Pair) wiring, 537
- STP (Spanning-Tree Protocol), 534
- for black holes, 424–425
- in LANs, 65
- in real word design, 79–80
- StrataCom switches, 298–300
- StrataSphere Network Management software, 299
- structured design model, 300
- stub areas, 537
- stub AS in BGP, 170
- stub networks, 537
- stubby areas in OSPF, 160, 163
- study groups, 481
- STUN (Serial Tunnel) feature, 338–339, 537
- Sub-Network Access Protocol (SNAP), 275, 290, 533
- subarea nodes, 537
- subareas, 537
- subchannels, 537
- subinterfaces
- defined, 537
- Frame Relay with, 285
- subnet addresses, 537
- subnet masks
- defined, 97, 538
- in IP and IPX, 105, 215
- subnetworks, 538
- discontiguous, 97, 115–116, 115
- for IP addresses, 101–104
- suidroot shell, 369
- summarization
- in EIGRP, 153
- in IP and IPX, 215
- in NLSP, 227
- in OSPF, 162
- in three-tier network model, 23
- summary link advertisements, 164
- super frame (SF), 532
- supernets
- in BGP, 170
- in IP, 101
- Sustainable Cell Rate (SCR)
- defined, 532
- in PVCs, 296
- SVCs (switched virtual circuits), 538
- in ATM, 296, 297
- in DSL, 325
- in Frame Relay, 280
- switch configuration tools, 406
- Switch Processor (SP) module, 533
- switched LANs, 538
- Switched Multimegabit Data Service (SMDS) networks, 301–303, 533
- Switched Port Analyzer (SPAN), 534
- switched services in WANs, 273
- switched virtual circuits (SVCs), 538
- in ATM, 296, 297
- in DSL, 325
- in Frame Relay, 280
- switches and switching, 538
- in ATM, 298–300
- for LANs, 63–65
- for scalability, 5
- SYNACK floods, 377
- Synchronous Data-Link Control (SDLC) protocol
- defined, 532
- in WANs, 278
- Synchronous Optical Network (SONET), 274, 533
- synchronous transmissions, 538
- Synchronous Transport Module Level 1 (STM-1), 537
- sysgen (system generation) macro, 336–337
- syslog logging, 407
- System Network Architecture (SNA), 335–336, 533
- Systems Application Architecture (SAA) gateway product, 216
- Systems Network Architecture Switching (SNASw) services, 349
- T1 circuits, 538
- T3 circuits, 538
- TACACS+ (Enhanced Terminal Access Controller Access Control System), 382–385
- tag switching, 539
- tagged traffic, 539
- tariffs in WANs, 273
- TCP (Transmission Control Protocol), 539
- for BGP, 170
- for RSRB, 340
- TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol), 96–98, 539
- address assignments in, 104–105
- address summarization in, 116–118
- discontiguous subnets in, 115–116, 115
- IP addresses in. See IP addresses
- load balancing in, 118–123
- for mainframes, 339
- public and private addresses in, 105–109, 106
- review questions, 125–130
- routers in, 109–112
- routing protocols for, 112–115, 115
- summary, 123–124
- TDM (time division multiplexing), 288, 539
- TE (terminal equipment), 539
- TE1 terminals, 539
- technical requirements in network design, 400
- technologies in network design, 399
- telco, 539
- telecommuters, 320
- telnet command, 406
- Telnet protocol, 539
- disabling, 371–372
- risks from, 433
- 10BaseT networks, 539
- terminal adapters, 540
- terminal emulation, 540
- terminal equipment (TE), 539
- terminals, ISDN, 540
- TFTP, 540
- theft of data, 368
- thin-clients, 318
- three-tier network model, 17–21, 18, 21
- access layer in, 24–25
- core layer in, 21, 22
- distribution layer in, 22–24, 24
- guidelines for, 25–28, 26
- threshold for network utilization, 404
- TICs (Token Ring interface couplers), 336, 344
- tiered design model in StrataCom network design, 300
- time-based access lists, 377–378
- time division multiplexing (TDM), 288, 539
- Time to Live (TTL) field, 541
- token bus architecture, 540
- token passing, 540
- Token Ring frame types in IPX, 221
- Token Ring interface couplers (TICs), 336, 344
- Token Ring Interface Processor (TRIP), 541
- Token Ring networks, 74, 75, 540
- future of, 77
- for LANs, 57
- tokens, 540
- topologies, physical, 73–76, 75–76
- ATM in, 80–85, 84
- Layer 2 vs. Layer 3, 76–80, 77–78
- spanning trees, 79–80
- totally stubby areas, 163
- traceroute command, 406
- traffic flows and traffic types
- in network design, 404
- in WANs, 277–279
- training requirements, 402
- transit AS, 170
- Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), 539
- for BGP, 170
- for RSRB, 340
- Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. See TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)
- transparent bridging, 540
- transport in LANs, 56
- transport layer, 540
- trend analysis, 406, 431–432
- triggered updates, 146–147
- TRIP (Token Ring Interface Processor), 541
- trouble-ticket tracking, 430
- troubleshooting
- as design consideration, 426
- in three-tier network model, 19, 23
- tools for, 10, 407
- tunnels, 204
- Trunk Up-Down (TUD) protocol, 541
- trunking in LANs, 67–71, 68
- TSO, 336
- TTL (Time to Live) field, 541
- TUD (Trunk Up-Down) protocol, 541
- tunneling architecture, 541
- in AppleTalk networks, 203–204
- in AURP, 199, 491
- for discontiguous subnets, 115–116
- in VPNs, 386
- two-tier network model, 16–17
- type 20 propagation, 230
- UDP (User Datagram Protocol), 541
- unequal-cost load balancing, 148
- UNI (User-to-Network Interface), 290
- Unix systems, IPX support for, 216
- unnumbered frames, 541
- unreliable transports, 149
- update timers, 219
- updates
- in AURP, 199
- in NLSP, 227
- UplinkFast feature, 80
- User Datagram Protocol (UDP), 541
- User-to-Network Interface (UNI), 290
- users
- in remote access networks, 320–322
- in scalability, 36
- Variable Bit Rate (VBR) service
- in CLP, 293
- defined, 541
- variable-length subnet masks (VLSMs), 97, 102, 542
- in EIGRP, 148, 155–156
- in OSPF, 160
- variance in IGRP, 144
- VBR (variable bit rate) service
- in CLP, 293
- defined, 541
- VCCs (Virtual Channel Connections), 541
- VCIs (virtual circuit identifiers), 288–289, 289–290
- VDSL technology, 324
- vendor requirements, 402
- Versatile Interface Processor (VIP) cards, 120, 542
- vertical systems, 73
- video
- in ATM, 85
- bandwidth for, 35
- VIP (Versatile Interface Processor) cards, 120, 542
- VIP (Virtual IP) function, 542
- Virtual Channel Connections (VCCs), 541
- virtual circuit identifiers (VCIs), 288–289, 289–290
- virtual circuits, 542
- Virtual IP (VIP) function, 542
- virtual LANs (VLANs), 55, 542
- virtual links, 162
- virtual path identifiers (VPIs), 288–289, 289–290
- virtual private networks (VPNs)
- for ISDN, 316
- for remote access, 317
- security in, 386–387
- virtual rings, 542
- Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP), 422
- Virtual Telecommunications Access Method (VTAM) program, 334–335
- VLANs (virtual LANs), 55, 542
- VLSMs (variable-length subnet masks), 97, 102
- in EIGRP, 148, 155–156
- in OSPF, 160
- voice
- in ATM, 85
- bandwidth for, 35
- VPIs (virtual path identifiers), 288–289, 289–290
- VPNs (virtual private networks)
- for ISDN, 316
- for remote access, 317
- security in, 386–387
- VRRP (Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol), 422
- VTAM (Virtual Telecommunications Access Method) program, 334–335
- WANs, 272–274
- with ATM, 287–300, 289–291, 295, 297
- costs in, 276–277
- with Frame Relay, 279–287, 281–282, 284, 286
- latency in, 275–276
- reliability in, 274–275
- resources for, 479
- review questions, 305–310
- with SMDS, 301–303
- summary, 303–304
- traffic flows and traffic types in, 277–279
- watchdog spoof, 232–233, 233
- Web-based resources, 478–482
- windowing, 533
- Windows Internet Name Service (WINS), 24, 248–249
- Windows networking, 242
- broadcasts in, 243–244
- desktop protocols for, 243–244
- DHCP in, 250–256, 253
- name resolution services in, 247–250
- NetBIOS protocols in, 256–260, 257–259, 261
- remote networking, 261–262
- review questions, 265–270
- summary, 262–264
- workgroups and domains in, 245–246, 246
- Windows NT, remote networking with, 261–262
- WINS (Windows Internet Name Service), 24, 248–249
- WinSock interface, 542
- wireless network design, 429–430
- workgroup model, 192
- workgroup switching, 542
- workgroups in Windows networking, 245–246, 246
- workstations
- broadcast control at, 30
- in OSPF, 159
- X.25 protocol
- defined, 542
- remote access network design with, 313–314
- X.121 addresses, 313
- ZIP (Zone Information Protocol), 189, 200–201, 543
- zip-reply-filter command, 201
- ZIP storms, 543
- zones
- in AppleTalk networks, 191–193
- defined, 543