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Selecting Cisco Products
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Cisco hub products
Cisco Routers
When someone says "Cisco" to you, what do you think of first? Hubs? I
don't think so. You think "routers," of course. (If you thought of restaurant
supplies, e.g. "Sysco," stop here and start this book over immediately!) Cisco
makes the very kewlest routers in the world--everyone knows this. That's
why I wrote this book, and that's why you're reading it... Period!
And it seems like Cisco comes out with a new router nearly once a
month--have you noticed that? If not, you will. It truly is a challenge to keep
up with Cisco's every latest and greatest. Not that Cisco would mind a bit if
you decided to make buying each new rave a hobby. But your accountants
would! Since these great products can also be pretty spendy, it's a good idea
to always have your key criterion in mind when selecting from their ever
growing list of router products: "What feature sets do I really need to meet
my actual business requirements?" That way, you won't get carried away
(or fired when the boss with the budget gets the bill). For example, do you
need IP, Frame Relay, and VPN support? How about IPX, AppleTalk, and
DECnet? Cisco has it all--and more.
Cisco 1500
Micro Hub
Cisco 1528
Micro Hub 10/100
Copyright ©2002 SYBEX, Inc., Alameda, CA