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Fast Ethernet Interface Processor: An interface processor employed on
Cisco 7000 series routers, supporting up to two 100Mbps 100BaseT ports.
Used to provide security on the network with access lists.
A barrier purposefully erected between any connected public net-
works and a private network, made up of a router or access server or several
routers or access servers, that uses access lists and other methods to ensure
the security of the private network.
fixed configuration router
A router that cannot be upgraded with any
new interfaces.
Term used to describe a serial interface that is going up and down.
electronically erasable programmable read-only memory (EEPROM).
Used to hold the Cisco IOS in a router by default.
flash memory
Developed by Intel and licensed to other semiconductor
manufacturers, it is nonvolatile storage that can be erased electronically and
reprogrammed, physically located on an EEPROM chip. Flash memory per-
mits software images to be stored, booted, and rewritten as needed. Cisco
routers and switches use flash memory to hold the IOS by default. See also:
flat network
Network that is one large collision domain and one large
broadcast domain.
floating routes
Used with dynamic routing to provide backup routes in
case of failure.
When traffic is received on an interface, it is then transmitted to
every interface connected to that device with exception of the interface from
which the traffic originated. This technique can be used for traffic transfer by
bridges and switches throughout the network.
flow control
A methodology used to ensure that receiving units are not
overwhelmed with data from sending devices. Pacing, as it is called in IBM
networks, means that when buffers at a receiving unit are full, a message is
transmitted to the sending unit to temporarily halt transmissions until all the
data in the receiving buffer has been processed and the buffer is again ready
for action.
Copyright ©2002 SYBEX, Inc., Alameda, CA