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committed information rate: Averaged over a minimum span of time
and measured in bps, a Frame Relay network's agreed-upon minimum rate
of transferring information.
circuit switching
Used with dial-up networks such as PPP and ISDN.
Passes data, but needs to set up the connection first--just like making a
phone call.
Cisco FRAD
Cisco Frame Relay Access Device: A Cisco product that sup-
ports Cisco IPS Frame Relay SNA services, connecting SDLC devices to Frame
Relay without requiring an existing LAN. May be upgraded to a fully func-
tioning multiprotocol router. Can activate conversion from SDLC to Ethernet
and Token Ring, but does not support attached LANs. See also: FRAD.
Cisco's name for the internetworking architecture under
which its Cisco IOS operates. It is designed to "fuse" together the capabilities
of its disparate collection of acquired routers and switches.
Cisco IOS
Cisco Internet Operating System software. The kernel of the
Cisco line of routers and switches that supplies shared functionality, scal-
ability, and security for all products under its CiscoFusion architecture.
See also: CiscoFusion.
GUI-based management software for Cisco networking
devices, enabling dynamic status, statistics, and comprehensive configura-
tion information. Displays a physical view of the Cisco device chassis and
provides device-monitoring functions and fundamental troubleshooting
capabilities. May be integrated with a number of SNMP-based network
management platforms.
Class A network
Part of the Internet Protocol hierarchical addressing
scheme. Class A networks have only 8 bits for defining networks and 24 bits
for defining hosts on each network.
Class B network
Part of the Internet Protocol hierarchical addressing
scheme. Class B networks have 16 bits for defining networks and 16 bits for
defining hosts on each network.
Class C network
Part of the Internet Protocol hierarchical addressing
scheme. Class C networks have 24 bits for defining networks and only 8 bits
for defining hosts on each network.
Copyright ©2002 SYBEX, Inc., Alameda, CA