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Study each chapter carefully, making sure that you fully understand
the information and the test objectives listed at the beginning of each
chapter. Pay extra-close attention to any chapter where you missed
questions in the assessment test.
Complete each written lab at the end of each chapter. Do
skip this
written exercise, as it directly relates to the CCNA exam and what you
must glean from the chapter you just read. Do not just skim this lab!
Make sure you understand completely the reason for each answer.
Complete all hands-on labs in the chapter, referring to the text of the
chapter so that you understand the reason for each step you take. If you
do not have Cisco equipment available, be sure to study the examples
carefully, or use the Router Fundamentals Simulator found on the CD
of this book. Also, check
for router simulator
software that provides drag-and-drop networking configurations.
This will help you gain hands-on experience configuring Cisco routers.
If you do not have Cisco equipment or the RouterSim Cisco simulator
product, then go through all the core hands-on labs (contained in
Appendix A) using the Router Fundamentals Simulator product found
on the CD of this book. This will help you gain hands-on experience
configuring Cisco routers. (The Router Fundamentals Simulator will
not run the hands-on labs that are printed at the end of each chapter.
Within the software product, only use the simulator's labs.)
Answer all of the review questions related to that chapter. (The answers
appear at the end of the chapter.) Note the questions that confuse
you and study those sections of the book again. Do not just skim
these questions! Make sure you understand completely the reason
for each answer.
Try your hand at the practice exams that are included on the compan-
ion CD. The questions in these exams appear only on the CD. This will
give you a complete overview of what you can expect to see on the real
CCNA exam. Check out
for more Cisco exam
prep questions.
Also on the companion CD is a software simulation program that will
help you prepare for the new simulation questions on the CCNA 607
exam. The router simulator on the CD or at
is the best form of study, but be sure and practice with the software
simulation program as well.
Copyright ©2002 SYBEX, Inc., Alameda, CA