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Cisco 1900 IOS Configuration Commands
Setting the Enable Secret Password
The enable secret password is a more secure password and supersedes the
enable password if set. You set this password the same way you set the enable
secret password on a router. If you have an enable secret set, you don't even
need to bother setting the enable-mode password.
(config)#enable secret todd2
You can make the enable password and enable secret commands the
same on the 1900 switch, but on a router you are not allowed to do this. You
can use the command show running-config (show run for short) to see the
current configuration on the switch.
#sh run
Building configuration...
Current configuration:
enable secret 5 $1$FMFQ$wFVYVLYn2aXscfB3J95.w.
enable password level 1 "TODD"
enable password level 15 "TODD1"
Notice the enable-mode passwords are not encrypted by default, but the
enable secret is. This is the same password configuration technique that you
will find on a router.
One more thing to notice is that even though I typed the passwords as
lowercase, the running-config shows the passwords as uppercase. It doesn't
matter how you type them or how they appear in the configuration because
the passwords are not case sensitive.
Setting the Hostname
The hostname on a switch, as well as on a router, is only locally significant.
This means that it doesn't have any function on the network or name reso-
lution whatsoever. However, it is helpful to set a hostname on a switch so
that you can identify the switch when connecting to it. A good rule of thumb
is to name the switch after the location it is serving.
The 1900 switch command to set the hostname is exactly like any router:
you use the hostname command. (Remember, it is one word.) The switch out-
put below shows the console screen. Press K to go into user mode, enter the
password, use the enable command, and enter the enable secret password.
From global configuration mode, type the command hostname hostname.
Copyright ©2002 SYBEX, Inc., Alameda, CA