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Appendix B
Configuring the Catalyst 1900 Switch
After I exited configuration mode and then privileged mode, the following
console screen appeared. Notice that when I pressed K this time, the switch
prompted me for a user-mode password.
Catalyst 1900 Management Console
Copyright (c) Cisco Systems, Inc. 1993-1998
All rights reserved.
Enterprise Edition Software
Ethernet Address: 00-30-80-CC-7D-00
PCA Number: 73-3122-04
PCA Serial Number: FAB033725XG
Model Number: WS-C1912-A
System Serial Number: FAB0339T01M
Power Supply S/N: PHI031801CF
PCB Serial Number: FAB033725XG,73-3122-04
1 user(s) now active on Management Console.
User Interface Menu
[M] Menus
[K] Command Line
Enter Selection: K
Enter password: ****
CLI session with the switch is open.
To end the CLI session, enter [Exit].
Enter password: ****
After I entered user mode, I typed en, which is a shortcut for the enable
command, and was prompted for the enable password.
You need to remember your passwords because there is no password recov-
ery for the 1900 switch. If you forget the password on a 1900 switch, you can
only call Cisco for help.
You have now set the user-mode and enable-mode passwords, but there
still is one more password on a 1900 switch: the enable secret.
Copyright ©2002 SYBEX, Inc., Alameda, CA