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his appendix of suggested labs will introduce you to the
Cisco Internetworking Operating System (IOS). The IOS is what runs
the Cisco routers and also some Cisco switches.
In this appendix, you'll learn how to configure Cisco routers using a
command-line interface (CLI). The CLI is really the best way to configure
a router because it gives you the most flexibility.
These labs were designed and written to work with the Router Fundamen-
tals Simulator that is found on the CD bundled with this book. You can
find other products that have more labs and more routers and switches
The following suggested labs will be covered in this chapter:
Lab A.1: Logging into a Cisco Router
Lab A.2: Editing and Help Features
Lab A.3: Gathering Basic Router Information
Lab A.4: Setting the Passwords
Lab A.5: Setting Router Banners
Lab A.6: Configuring Router Interfaces
Lab A.7: Bringing up an Interface
Lab A.8: Configuring an IP Address on an Interface
Lab A.9: Serial Interface Commands
Copyright ©2002 SYBEX, Inc., Alameda, CA