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The OSI Reference Model
RTF Rich Text Format is a file format that lets you exchange text files
between different word processors, even in different operating systems.
The Session Layer
The Session layer is responsible for setting up, managing, and then tearing
down sessions between Presentation layer entities. This layer also provides
dialogue control between devices, or nodes. It coordinates communication
between systems, and serves to organize their communication by offering
three different modes: simplex, half duplex, and full duplex. To sum up, the
Session layer basically keeps different applications' data separate from other
applications' data.
The following are some examples of Session layer protocols and interfaces
(according to Cisco):
Network File System (NFS) Developed by Sun Microsystems and used
with TCP/IP and Unix workstations to allow transparent access to remote
Structured Query Language (SQL) Developed by IBM to provide users
with a simpler way to define their information requirements on both local
and remote systems.
Remote Procedure Call (RPC) A broad client/server redirection tool
used for disparate service environments. Its procedures are created on
clients and performed on servers.
X Window Widely used by intelligent terminals for communicating
with remote Unix computers, allowing them to operate as though they
were locally attached monitors.
AppleTalk Session Protocol (ASP) Another client/server mechanism,
which both establishes and maintains sessions between AppleTalk client
and server machines.
Digital Network Architecture Session Control Protocol (DNA SCP) A
DECnet Session layer protocol.
The Transport Layer
The Transport layer segments and reassembles data into a data stream. Ser-
vices located in the Transport layer both segment and reassemble data from
upper-layer applications and unite it onto the same data stream. They provide
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