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Chapter 9
Managing Traffic with Access Lists
standard access lists are similar to IP standard access lists, except that
IP standards only filter on source IP addresses, whereas IPX standards
filter on both source and destination IPX addresses.
IPX extended These access lists filter on IPX source and destination host
or network number, IPX protocol field in the Network layer header, and
socket number in the Transport layer header. They use the access-list
numbers 900­999.
IPX SAP filter These filters are used to control SAP traffic on LANs and
WANs. IPX SAP filters use the access-list numbers 1000­1099. Network
administrators can set up IPX access lists to control the amount of IPX
traffic, including IPX SAPs across slow WAN links.
Standard IPX Access Lists
Standard IPX access lists use the source or destination IPX host or net-
work address to filter the network. This is configured much the same way
IP standard access lists are. The parameter to configure a standard IPX
access list
access-list {number} {permit|deny} {source_address}
Wildcards can be used for the source and destination IPX addresses; how-
ever, the wildcard is ­1, which means it is equal to any host and network.
Figure 9.2 shows an example of an IPX network and how IPX standard
access lists can be configured.
F I G U R E 9 . 2
IPX access list example
Network 40
Network 10
Network 20
Network 30
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