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Monitoring IPX on Cisco Routers
server. The Port field identifies the upper layer application. The socket num-
ber for the NetWare Core Protocol (NCP) is 451.
The Show IPX Route Command
The show ipx route command displays the IPX routing table entries
that the router knows about. The router reports networks to which it is
directly connected, then it reports networks that it has learned of since the
router came online.
2501A#sh ipx route
Codes: C - Connected primary network, c - Connected
secondary network, S - Static, F - Floating static,
L - Local (internal), W - IPXWAN, R - RIP, E - EIGRP,
N - NLSP, X - External, A - Aggregate, s - seconds,
u - uses
6 Total IPX routes. Up to 1 parallel paths and 16 hops
No default route known.
C 20 (HDLC), Se0
c 10a (sap), Et0
C 10b (ARPA), Et0.10
R 40 [07/01] via 20.00e0.1ea9.c418, 13s, Se0
R 50 [13/02] via 20.00e0.1ea9.c418, 13s, Se0
The small c in the routing table tells you that it is a secondary configured
IPX network.
Load Balancing with IPX
If you set up parallel IPX paths between routers, the Cisco IOS will not learn
about these paths by default. The router will learn a single path to a desti-
nation and discard information about alternative, parallel, equal-cost paths.
Notice in the show ipx route output above the phrase Up to 1 parallel
and 16 hops allowed. To be able to perform a round-robin load bal-
ance over multiple equal-cost paths, you need to add the command ipx
# (with # being any number up to 64); this will allow the
router to accept the possibility that there might be more than one path to the
same destination.
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