background image
Chapter 8
Configuring Novell IPX
Source Node: 00:00:0c:8d:5c:9d
Source Socket: 0x0453 Routing Information
RIP - Routing Information Protocol
Operation: 2 Response
Network Number Set # 1
Network Number: 0x00005200
Number of Hops: 3
Number of Ticks: 14
Network Number Set # 2
Network Number: 0x00004100
Number of Hops: 2
Number of Ticks: 8
Network Number Set # 3
Network Number: 0x00003200
Number of Hops: 1
Number of Ticks: 2
Network Number Set # 4
Network Number: 0x00002200
Number of Hops: 1
Number of Ticks: 2
Network Number Set # 5
Network Number: 0x00002100
Number of Hops: 1
Number of Ticks: 2
Extra bytes (Padding):
r 72
See that? It looks a lot like an IP RIP packet, but it's missing the IP
addresses. In their place are IPX addresses and network numbers. Also,
notice that it has both ticks and hops in the updates. Ticks are how many
1/18 of a second it takes to get to a remote network. This is IPX's way of
using link delay to find the best way to a remote network.
There are only three routers in this example, and this packet is sent out
every 60 seconds--imagine this happening on a large network with hundreds
of routers!
Copyright ©2002 SYBEX, Inc., Alameda, CA