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Using Telnet
Checking Telnet Users
You can list all active consoles and VTY ports in use on your router with the
users command:
Todd2509#sh users
Line User Host(s) Idle Location
* 0 con 0 00:07:52 00:07:18
In the command's output, the con represents the local console. In this
example, the console is connected to two remote IP addresses, or devices.
In the next example, I typed show users on the 2501B router, which the
Todd2509 router had telnetted into.
2501B>sh users
Line User Host(s) Idle Location
0 con 0 idle 9
* 2 vty 0
This output shows that the console is active and that VTY port 2 is being
used. The asterisk represents the current terminal session user.
Closing Telnet Sessions
You can end Telnet sessions a few different ways. Typing exit or disconnect
is probably the easiest and quickest.
To end a session from a remote device, use the exit command.
Todd2509#[Enter] and again [Enter]
[Resuming connection 2 to ... ]
[Connection to closed by foreign host]
Since the 1900Switch was my last session, I just pressed Enter twice to
return to that session.
To end a session from a local device, use the disconnect command.
Todd2509#disconnect ?
<1-2> The number of an active network connection
WORD The name of an active network connection
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