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Using Telnet
mode after telnetting into router 2501B:
% No password set
This is a good security feature. You don't want anyone telnetting onto
your device and then being able to just type the enable command to get into
privileged mode. You must set your enable-mode password or enable-secret
password to use Telnet to configure remote devices.
Telnetting into Multiple Devices Simultaneously
If you telnet to a router or switch, you can end the connection by typing
at any time. However, what if you want to keep your connection to
a remote device but still come back to your original router console? To
keep the connection, you can press the Ctrl
+Shift+6 key combination,
release it, and then press X.
Here's an example of connecting to multiple devices from my Todd2509
router console:
Trying ... Open
User Access Verification
2501B>[Cntl+Shift+6, then x]
In the example above, I telnetted to the 2501B router then typed the pass-
word to enter user mode. I then pressed Ctrl
+Shift+6, then X (this doesn't
show on the screen output). Notice my command prompt is now back at the
Todd2509 router.
You can also telnet into a 1900 switch. However, you must set the enable
mode password level 15 on the switch before you can gain access via the Telnet
application. (See Appendix B for information about how to set the 1900
switch passwords.)
In the following example, I telnet to a 1900 switch, which then gives me
the console output of the switch.
Trying ... Open
Copyright ©2002 SYBEX, Inc., Alameda, CA