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Backing Up and Restoring the Cisco Configuration
The row of e characters shows the contents of flash memory being erased.
Each exclamation point (!) means that one UDP segment has been success-
fully transferred.
Once the copy is complete, you should receive this message:
[OK - 10935532/16777216 bytes]
Verifying checksum... OK (0x2E3A)
Flash copy took 0:06:14 [hh:mm:ss]
%FLH: Re-booting system after download
After the file is loaded into flash memory and a checksum is performed,
the router is rebooted to run the new IOS file.
Cisco routers can become a TFTP-server host for a router system image that
is run in flash. The global configuration command is tftp-server tftp:.
Backing Up and Restoring the Cisco
ny changes that you make to the router configuration are stored
in the running-config file. If you do not perform a copy run start com-
mand after you make a change to running-config, that change will be gone
if the router reboots or gets powered down. You may want to make
another backup of the configuration information as an extra precaution,
in case the router or switch completely dies, or for documentation. The
following sections describe how to copy the configuration of a router and
switch to a TFTP host and how to restore that configuration.
Backing Up the Cisco Router Configuration
To copy the router's configuration from a router to a TFTP host, you can use
either the copy running-config tftp or copy startup-config tftp com-
mand. Either command will back up the router configuration that is currently
running in DRAM or that is stored in NVRAM.
Copyright ©2002 SYBEX, Inc., Alameda, CA