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Chapter 7
Managing a Cisco Internetwork
Copy '/c2500-js-l.112-18' from Flash to server
as '/c2500-js-l.112-18'? [yes/no]y
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [output cut]
Upload to server done
Flash copy took 00:02:30 [hh:mm:ss]
In this example, the content of flash memory was copied successfully to
the TFTP host. The address of the remote host is the IP address of the TFTP
host. The source filename is the file in flash memory.
The copy flash tftp command does not prompt you for the location of any
file or ask you where to put the file. TFTP is the "grab it and place it" program
in this situation. The TFTP host must have a default directory specified, or it
won't work.
Restoring or Upgrading the Cisco Router IOS
You may need to restore the Cisco IOS to flash memory to replace an orig-
inal file that has been damaged or to upgrade the IOS. You can download the
file from a TFTP host to flash memory by using the copy tftp flash com-
mand. This command requires the IP address of the TFTP host and the name
of the file you want to download to flash memory.
Before you begin, make sure that the file you want to place in flash memory
is in the default TFTP directory on your host. When you issue the command,
TFTP will not ask you where the file is. If the file you want to restore is not in
the default directory of the TFTP host, this procedure won't work.
Copying the IOS from the TFTP host to flash memory requires a router reboot.
So, instead of upgrading or restoring the IOS at 9 a.m. on Monday morning,
you should probably wait until lunchtime.
After you enter the copy tftp flash command, you will see a message
informing you that the router must reboot and run a ROM-based IOS image
to perform this operation:
Router#copy tftp flash
Copyright ©2002 SYBEX, Inc., Alameda, CA