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Hands-on Labs
If you wanted to see if a serial interface needed to provide clocking,
what command would you use?
What command would you use to see the terminal history size?
What old Cisco command will change a configuration stored on a
TFTP host?
How would you set the name of a router to Chicago?
(The answers to Written Lab 4 can be found following the answers to the
Review Questions for this chapter.)
Hands-on Labs
n this section, you will perform commands on a Cisco router that will
help you understand what you learned in this chapter.
You'll need at least one Cisco router--two would be better, three would
be outstanding. The hands-on labs in this section are included for use with
real Cisco routers. If you are using the Sybex Router Fundamentals Simula-
tor provided on this book's companion CD, please use the hands-on labs
found within that software program.
The labs in this chapter include the following:
Lab 4.1: Logging into a Router
Lab 4.2: Using the Help and Editing Features
Lab 4.3: Saving a Router Configuration
Lab 4.4: Setting Your Passwords
Lab 4.5: Setting the Hostname, Descriptions, IP Address, and
Clock Rate
Hands-on Lab 4.1: Logging into a Router
Press Enter to connect to your router. This will put you into
user mode.
At the Router> prompt, type a question mark (?).
Notice the ­more­ at the bottom of the screen.
Press the Enter key to view the commands line by line.
Copyright ©2002 SYBEX, Inc., Alameda, CA