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Chapter 4
Introduction to the Cisco IOS
from Flash memory, if a file is present. The IOS then proceeds to load and
look for a valid configuration in NVRAM called the startup-config. If no
file is present in NVRAM, the router will go into setup mode.
Remember what setup mode provides. Setup mode is automatically
started if a router boots and no startup-config is in NVRAM. You can
also bring up setup mode by typing setup from the privileged mode.
Setup provides a minimum amount of configuration in an easy format for
someone who does not understand how to configure a Cisco router from
the command line.
Understand the difference between user mode and privileged mode.
User mode provides a command-line interface with very few available
commands by default. User mode does not allow the configuration to be
viewed or changed. Privileged mode allows a user to both view and
change the configuration of a router. You can enter privileged mode by
typing the command enable and entering the enable password or enable
secret password, if set.
Remember what the command show version provides. The show
command will provide basic configuration for the system hard-
ware as well as the software version, the names and sources of configura-
tion files, and the boot images.
Remember how to set the hostname of a router. The command
sequence to set the hostname of a router is:
config t
hostname Todd
Remember the difference between the enable password and enable secret
Both of these passwords are used to gain access into privilege
mode. However, the enable secret is newer and encrypted by default.
Also, if you set the enable password and then set the enable secret, only
the enable secret will be used.
Remember how to set the enable secret on a router. To set the enable
secret, you use the command enable secret. Do not use enable secret
password password
, or you will set your password to "password pass-
word". Here is an example:
config t
enable secret todd
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