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Command-Line Interface
Viewing and Saving Configurations
If you run through setup mode, you'll be asked if you want to use the con-
figuration you just created. If you say Yes, then it will copy the configuration
running in DRAM, known as the running-config, into NVRAM, and name
the file startup-config.
You can manually save the file from DRAM to NVRAM by using the
copy running-config startup-config
command. You can use the short-
cut copy run start also:
Atlanta#copy run start
Destination filename [startup-config]?[Enter]
Warning: Attempting to overwrite an NVRAM configuration
previously written by a different version of the system
Overwrite the previous NVRAM configuration?[confirm]
Building configuration...
Notice that the message we got tells us we're trying to write over the older
startup-config. The IOS had been just upgraded to version 12.2, and the last
time the file was saved, 11.3 was running. When you see a question with an
answer in [], it means that if you just press Enter, you're choosing the
default answer.
Also, when the command asked for the destination filename, the default
answer was startup-config. The "feature" aspect of this command output is
that you can't even type anything else in or you will get an error!
Atlanta#copy run start
Destination filename [startup-config]?todd
%Error opening nvram:todd (No such file or directory)
Okay, you're right--it's weird! Why on earth do they even ask if you can't
change it at all? Well... since this "feature" was first introduced with the
release of the 12.x IOS, we're pretty sure it will turn out to be relevant and
important some time in the future.
Anyway, you can view the files by typing show running-config or show
from privileged mode. The sh run command, which is the
shortcut for show running-config, tells us that we are viewing the current
Router#sh run
Building configuration...
Copyright ©2002 SYBEX, Inc., Alameda, CA