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Command-Line Interface
clear Reset functions
clock Manage the system clock
configure Enter configuration mode
connect Open a terminal connection
copy Copy configuration or image data
debug Debugging functions (see also 'undebug')
disable Turn off privileged commands
disconnect Disconnect an existing network connection
enable Turn on privileged commands
erase Erase flash or configuration memory
exit Exit from the EXEC
help Description of the interactive help system
lock Lock the terminal
login Log in as a particular user
logout Exit from the EXEC
mrinfo Request neighbor and version information
from a multicast router
Plus, at this point, you can press the spacebar to get another page of infor-
mation, or you can press Enter to go one command at a time. You can also
press Q or any other key to quit and return to the prompt.
And here's a shortcut... To find commands that start with a certain letter,
use the letter and the question mark (?) with no space between them:
clear clock configure connect copy
See that? By typing c?, we received a response listing all the commands
that start with c. Also notice that the Router# prompt that appeared with
our command is still present. This can be helpful when you have long com-
mands and need the next possible command. It would be pretty lame if you
had to retype the entire command every time you used a question mark!
To find the next command in a string, type the first command and then a
question mark:
Router#clock ?
set Set the time and date
Copyright ©2002 SYBEX, Inc., Alameda, CA