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Chapter 4
Introduction to the Cisco IOS
Connecting to a Cisco Router
You can connect to a Cisco router to configure the router, verify the config-
uration, and check statistics. There are different ways to do this, but most
often, the first place you would connect to is the console port. The
is usually an RJ-45 connection located at the back of the router; by
default, there's no password set.
See Chapter 1 for an explanation on how to configure a PC to connect to a
router console port.
But you can also connect to a Cisco router through an
auxiliary port
which is really the same thing as a console port so you can use it as one.
However, this auxiliary port also allows you to configure modem commands
so a modem can be connected to the router. This is a cool feature that allows
you to dial up a remote router and attach to the auxiliary port if the router
is down and you need to configure it.
The third way to connect to a Cisco router is through the program
Telnet is a terminal emulation program that acts as though it's a dumb-
terminal. You can then use Telnet to connect to any active interface on a
router like an Ethernet or serial port.
Figure 4.1 shows an illustration of a 2501 Cisco router. Pay special atten-
tion to all the different kinds of interfaces and connections.
F I G U R E 4 . 1
A Cisco 2501 router
The 2501 router has two serial interfaces for WAN connection and one
Attachment Unit Interface (AUI) connection for a 10Mbps Ethernet network
connection. This router also has one console and one auxiliary connection
via RJ-45 connectors.
Bringing Up a Router
So let's get started! When you first bring up a Cisco router, it will run a
power-on self-test (POST), and if that passes, it will then look for and load
CISCO 2501
Input: 100-240VAC
Freq: 50.60 Hz
Current: 1.2-0.6A
Watts: 40W
Copyright ©2002 SYBEX, Inc., Alameda, CA