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Chapter 1
and zeros and encoding them into a digital signal for transmission on the
network segment.
Remember the types of Ethernet cabling and when you would use them.
The three types of cables that can be created from an Ethernet cable are:
straight-through (to connect a PC or a router's Ethernet interface to a hub
or switch), crossover (to connect hub to hub, hub to switch, switch to
switch, or PC to PC), and rolled (for a console connection from a PC to
a router or switch).
Understand how to connect a console cable from a PC to a router and
start HyperTerminal.
Take a rolled cable and connect it from the COM
port of the host to the console port of a router. Start HyperTerminal and
set the BPS to 9600 and flow control to None.
Remember the three layers in the Cisco three-layer model. The three
layers in the Cisco hierarchical model are the core, distribution, and
access layers.
Key Terms
efore you take the exam, be certain you are familiar with the follow-
ing terms:
access layer
Application layer
call setup
application-specific integrated
circuit (ASIC)
Carrier Sense Multiple Access with
Collision Detect (CSMA/CD)
auto-detect mechanism
channel service unit/data service
unit (CSU/DSU)
Basic Rate Interface (BRI)
collision domains
core layer
crossover cable
broadcast domain
data communication equipment
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