background image
Time Exceeded message, 227, 230­231
Timestamp message, 228
Type field, 228
TCP, 697
connection establishment/termination,
222­224, 320
data transfer, ordered, 218
error recovery, 220­221, 320
features of, 217
flow control, 221­222
forward acknowledgement, 220
functions of, 224
headers, 217­218, 225
multiplexing, 218­220
sockets, 218­220
versus UDP, 224­226, 317
TFTP, 232, 234
versus FTP, 234, 318
UDP, 697
data transer, 224
DNS, 224
functions of, 224­226
headers, 225
multiplexing, 224
NFS, 224
versus TCP, 224­226, 317
versus OSI and NetWare, 86­87
TE1 (Terminal Equipment 1) ISDN function
group, 572
TE2 (Terminal Equipment 2) ISDN function
group, 572
telco, 521, 597
router connections, 289­292
concurrent, 29
configuration, 29
IP requirements, 304
resuming, 291
suspending, 289, 291
switch sessions, 289­292
telnet command, 289
terminal history size command, 31
terminal ip netmask command, 279
terminal ip netmask-format command, 273, 275, 322
test, See exam
TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol), 232, 234
copying switch configuration files from,
saving switch configuration files to, 179
versus FTP, 234, 318
TIA (Telecommunications Industry Association),
ticks (metrics), 403
Time Exceeded ICMP message, 227, 230­231
Time To Live (TTL), 230, 674
timers (SAP), 487
Timestamp ICMP message, 228
Token Ring, 94
arbitration, 95
encoding, 102, 116
functional addresses, 97
functional MAC addresses, 138
IEEE standards, 143­144, 202
IPX encapsulation, 302
MAC address bit order, 139
MAC addresses, 96
online resources, 95
trace command, 230, 273, 322, 375, 419, 654, 657,
671, 692
IP, filtering, 460­462
displaying statistics on, 304
filtering, 476­479
ISDN, defining as interesting, 579
traffic-share balanced command, 395
traffic-share command, 374, 419
traffic-share min command, 395
trailers, 82
Transmission Control Protocol, See TCP
transparent bridging, 145­147
transparent mode (VTP), 188, 195­196
Transport Control Protocol/Internet Protocol, See
transport layer (OSI reference model Layer 4), 76,
78, 113
connection-oriented/connectionless protocols,
encapsulation, 81, 83
error recovery, 89­91
flow control, 91­94
transport layer (OSI reference model Layer 4) Page 815 Monday, March 20, 2000 5:26 PM