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Frame Relay Configuration 563
Enabling debug options increases the CPU utilization of the router. Depending on how much
processing is required and how many messages are generated, it is possible to significantly
degrade performance and possibly crash the router. This is a result of memory and processing
used to look for the requested information and to process the messages. You might want to first
type the command no debug all and then type your debug command. If your debug creates too
much output, the no debug all command can be easily retrieved (press Ctrl+P twice).
If Inverse ARP was not used at all on any of the three routers, the following frame-relay map
statements would have been required on Router A (see Example 8-20). Similar commands
would have been required on Routers B and C.
Payload Compression Configuration
The configuration of the two styles of Frame Relay payload compression are very similar. The
details of the configuration are different, however, when using a point-to-point subinterface as
opposed to a multipoint subinterface. Examine the configuration on the Albuquerque and
Yosemite routers, which each use a point-to-point subinterface for the PVC between the two.
Figure 8-19 and Examples 8-21 and 8-22 display the network and the configuration.
Figure 8-19
Network with Frame Relay Payload Compression
Example 8-20
frame-relay map Commands
frame-relay map ip 502 broadcast
frame-relay map ip 503 broadcast
frame-relay map ipx 1.0200.bbbb.bbbb 502 broadcast
frame-relay map ipx 1.0200.cccc.cccc 503 broadcast
Albuquerque Page 563 Monday, March 20, 2000 5:17 PM