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Frame Relay Configuration 555
Example 8-7 and Example 8-8 show the changes that would be made to Mayberry and Raleigh.
The encapsulation was changed in two different ways. Raleigh changed its encapsulation for
both its PVCs with the ietf keyword on the encapsulation command. Mayberry could not
change because only one of the two VCs to Mayberry was directed to use IETF encapsulation.
So, Mayberry was forced to code the frame-relay interface-dlci command, coding the DLCI
for the VC to Raleigh. The ietf keyword was needed to change from the default encapsulation
of cisco.
The LMI configuration in Mayberry would have been fine without any changes because
autosense would have recognized ANSI. However, by coding the frame-relay lmi-type ansi,
Mayberry is forced to use ANSI because this command disables autonegotiation of the LMI
Mount Pilot's frame-relay interface-dlci configuration would need to be modified like
Mayberry's for the VC from Mount Pilot to Raleigh so that VC will use IETF encapsulation.
This change is not shown in an example.
Configuring Networks with Point-to-Point Subinterfaces
The second sample network (based on the environment depicted in Figure 8-12) uses point-to-
point subinterfaces. Example 8-9, Example 8-10, Example 8-11, and Example 8-12 show the
configuration for this network.
Example 8-7
Mayberry Configuration with New Requirements
ipx routing 0200.aaaa.aaaa
interface serial0
encapsulation frame-relay
frame-relay lmi-type ansi
frame-relay interface-dlci 42 ietf
ip address
ipx network 199
! rest of configuration unchanged from Example 8-4.
Example 8-8
Raleigh Configuration with New Requirements
ipx routing 0200.cccc.cccc
interface serial0
encapsulation frame-relay ietf
ip address
ipx network 199
! rest of configuration unchanged from example 8-6. Page 555 Monday, March 20, 2000 5:17 PM