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314 Chapter 5: Network Protocols
The debug ipx SAP events command lists the details of each sent and received SAP update.
Notice that the number of hops to the server is shown, as is the type of service and the server
name. The source and destination of the update packets are also listed. The debug ipx routing
command lists just summary information about routing updates, whereas the debug ipx
routing activity
command gives the details.
Seville#undebug all
All possible debugging has been turned off
Seville#show ipx servers
Codes: S - Static, P - Periodic, E - EIGRP, N - NLSP, H - Holddown, + = detail
U - Per-user static
4 Total IPX Servers
Table ordering is based on routing and server info
Type Name Net Address Port Route Hops Itf
P 4 SVR1 200.0000.0000.0001:0452 8/02 3 Se0.1
P 4 SVR2 200.0000.0000.0001:0452 8/02 3 Se0.1
P 7 SVR1 200.0000.0000.0001:0452 8/02 3 Se0.1
P 7 SVR2 200.0000.0000.0001:0452 8/02 3 Se0.1
Seville#debug ipx sap activity
IPX service debugging is on
00:13:21: IPXSAP: Response (in) type 0x2 len 288 src:6.0200.aaaa.aaaa
00:13:21: type 0x4, "SVR2", 200.0000.0000.0001(452), 3 hops
00:13:21: type 0x4, "SVR1", 200.0000.0000.0001(452), 3 hops
00:13:21: type 0x7, "SVR2", 200.0000.0000.0001(452), 3 hops
00:13:21: type 0x7, "SVR1", 200.0000.0000.0001(452), 3 hops
00:13:27: IPXSAP: positing update to 6.ffff.ffff.ffff via Serial0.1 (broadcast)
00:13:27: IPXSAP: suppressing null update to 6.ffff.ffff.ffff
00:13:30: IPXSAP: Response (in) type 0x2 len 288 src:5.0200.bbbb.bbbb
00:13:30: type 0x7, "SVR1", 200.0000.0000.0001(452), 4 hops
00:13:30: type 0x7, "SVR2", 200.0000.0000.0001(452), 4 hops
00:13:30: type 0x4, "SVR1", 200.0000.0000.0001(452), 4 hops
00:13:30: type 0x4, "SVR2", 200.0000.0000.0001(452), 4 hops
undebug all
All possible debugging has been turned off
Example 5-27
IPX debug Commands (Continued) Page 314 Monday, March 20, 2000 5:06 PM