background image
IPX Configuration 313
01:04:14: IPXRIP: 6 FFFFFFFF not added, entry in table is static/connected/internal
01:04:14: IPXRIP: positing full update to 5.ffff.ffff.ffff via Serial0.2
01:04:20: IPXRIP: positing full update to 3.ffff.ffff.ffff via Ethernet0
01:05:03: IPXRIP: 5 FFFFFFFF not added, entry in table is static/connected/internal
01:05:11: IPXRIP: positing full update to 6.ffff.ffff.ffff via Serial0.1
01:05:14: IPXRIP: 6 FFFFFFFF not added, entry in table is static/connected/internal
01:05:14: IPXRIP: positing full update to 5.ffff.ffff.ffff via Serial0.2
01:05:20: IPXRIP: positing full update to 3.ffff.ffff.ffff via Ethernet0
Seville#debug ipx routing activity
IPX routing debugging is on
01:07:02: IPXRIP: update from 6.0200.aaaa.aaaa
01:07:02: IPXRIP: 5 FFFFFFFF not added, entry in table is static/connected/internal
01:07:02: 5 in 2 hops, delay 13
01:07:02: 200 in 2 hops, delay 8
01:07:02: 11 in 3 hops, delay 8
01:07:02: 22 in 3 hops, delay 8
01:07:02: 1 in 1 hops, delay 7
01:07:02: 2 in 2 hops, delay 13
01:07:02: 4 in 1 hops, delay 7
01:07:10: IPXRIP: positing full update to 6.ffff.ffff.ffff via Serial0.1
01:07:10: IPXRIP: Update len 64 src=6.0200.cccc.cccc, dst=6.ffff.ffff.ffff(453)
01:07:10: network 3, hops 1, delay 7
01:07:10: network 4, hops 2, delay 13
01:07:10: network 2, hops 2, delay 13
01:07:10: network 5, hops 1, delay 7
01:07:13: IPXRIP: positing full update to 5.ffff.ffff.ffff via Serial0.2
01:07:13: IPXRIP: Update len 80 src=5.0200.cccc.cccc, dst=5.ffff.ffff.ffff(453)
01:07:13: network 1, hops 2, delay 13
01:07:13: network 22, hops 4, delay 14
01:07:13: network 11, hops 4, delay 14
01:07:13: network 200, hops 3, delay 14
01:07:13: network 3, hops 1, delay 7
01:07:13: network 6, hops 1, delay 7
01:07:13: IPXRIP: update from 5.0200.bbbb.bbbb
01:07:13: IPXRIP: 6 FFFFFFFF not added, entry in table is static/connected/internal
01:07:13: 6 in 2 hops, delay 13
01:07:13: 22 in 4 hops, delay 14
01:07:13: 11 in 4 hops, delay 14
01:07:13: 200 in 3 hops, delay 14
01:07:13: 1 in 2 hops, delay 13
01:07:13: 2 in 1 hops, delay 7
01:07:13: 4 in 1 hops, delay 7
Example 5-27
IPX debug Commands (Continued)
continues Page 313 Monday, March 20, 2000 5:06 PM