background image
IPX Configuration 311
The configuration is very similar to the point-to-point network of Figure 5-37. The biggest
difference is that each point-to-point subinterface is a different IPX network, as seen in Figure
5-38. Otherwise, SAP and RIP are enabled globally with the ipx routing command; each is
allowed to be broadcast on interfaces (or subinterfaces) with the ipx network interface
subcommand. SAP and RIP updates are sent out each subinterface--this means that Atlanta
will replicate and send three copies of the RIP update and three copies of the SAP update on its
serial0 interface, one per subinterface, every 60 seconds.
Configuration when using multiple Ethernet encapsulations is the final configuration option to
be reviewed. In Figure 5-38, assume that Gary is an old NetWare client running NetWare
version 3.11 client software and using the Ethernet_802.3 Novell encapsulation. Stephanie is
newer and uses the Ethernet_802.2 encapsulation. Two IPX networks are used on Nashville's
Ethernet 0 interface in this case.
Gary will be in Network 13, and Stephanie will be in Network 23. Example 5-26 shows just the
Ethernet configuration for the Nashville network, with a secondary IPX network on Ethernet 0.
Example 5-26 also shows an alternative configuration using subinterfaces.
Example 5-27 shows the output of the debug ipx sap events and debug ipx routing events
commands. The network in Figure 5-39 was used to gather the sample output.
ip address
ipx network 3
frame-relay interface-dlci 51
interface ethernet 0
ip address
ipx network 14
Example 5-26
Nashville Configuration with Secondary IPX Network on Ethernet 0
ipx routing 0200.cccc.cccc
interface ethernet 0
ipx network 13 encapsulation novell-ether
ipx network 23 encapsulation sap secondary
! Or instead of the previous 3 lines, use the following 4 lines:
interface ethernet 0.1
ipx network 13 encapsulation novell-ether
interface ethernet 0.2
ipx network 23 encapsulation sap
Example 5-25
Boston Configuration (Continued) Page 311 Monday, March 20, 2000 5:06 PM