HTTP/1.1 KeepAlive problems with Netscape 3.0

Date: Mon, 1 Jul 1996 16:03:06 -0700 (PDT) From: Alexei Kosut <akosut@organic.com> To: Apache Group Subject: Re: keepalive and windoze Good news and good news (of a sort).. I was able to snag a Windows 95 machine here at Organic, and tried out some things: 1) On Netscape 3.0b4, I was able to reproduce the bug, each and every time. It's really simple: go to the Network Setup panel. Set it to "Connect Every Time" and only let it have 1 connection at once (this may not be neccessary, but it's helpeful). Then load an image that's kept-alive. Then wait until the connection times out (this depends on the server - 10-30 seconds, except for MIIS, which never times out, near as I can tell). Then hit reload. It will hang. (actually, once it crashed). 2) This happens with all forms of server. Apache 1.1, Netscape 2.0, Spyglass 1.2, NCSA 1.5 (although, as stated, I couldn't test MIIS). 3) Netscape 3.0b5 does, indeed, *not* have this bug. At least, I couldn't get it to perform such. Yipee. So, we just put up a note on the web page. Make sure we say that all the servers have the bug, it's a Windows bug, and Netscape Navigator 3.0b5 works around it. That way, no one can yell at us. Yes? -- Alexei Kosut <akosut@organic.com> The Apache HTTP Server http://www.nueva.pvt.k12.ca.us/~akosut/ http://www.apache.org/
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