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Part of the original IEEE 802.3 standard, 10BaseT is the Ethernet
specification of 10Mbps baseband that uses two pairs of twisted-pair, Cat-
egory 3, 4, or 5 cabling--using one pair to send data and the other to receive.
10BaseT has a distance limit of about 100 meters per segment. See also:
and IEEE 802.3.
terminal adapter
A hardware interface between a computer without a
native ISDN interface and an ISDN line. In effect, a device to connect a stan-
dard async interface to a non-native ISDN device, emulating a modem.
terminal emulation
The use of software, installed on a PC or LAN server,
that allows the PC to function as if it were a "dumb" terminal directly
attached to a particular type of mainframe.
Conceptually, a stripped-down version of FTP, it's the protocol of
choice if you know exactly what you want and where it's to be found. TFTP
doesn't provide the abundance of functions that FTP does. In particular, it
has no directory-browsing abilities; it can do nothing but send and receive
Also called 10Base5. Bus network that uses a thick cable and
runs Ethernet up to 500 meters.
Also called 10Base2. Bus network that uses a thin coax cable and
runs Ethernet media access up to 185 meters.
A frame containing only control information. Possessing this con-
trol information gives a network device permission to transmit data onto the
network. See also: token passing.
token bus
LAN architecture that is the basis for the IEEE 802.4 LAN spec-
ification and employs token passing access over a bus topology. See also: IEEE.
token passing
A method used by network devices to access the physical
medium in a systematic way based on possession of a small frame called a
token. See also: token.
Token Ring
IBM's token-passing LAN technology. It runs at 4Mbps or
16Mbps over a ring topology. Defined formally by IEEE 802.5. See also: ring
and token passing.
Copyright ©2001 SYBEX , Inc., Alameda, CA

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