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A widely used NOS created by Novell, providing a number of
distributed network services and remote file access.
network address
Used with the logical network addresses to identify the
network segment in an internetwork. Logical addresses are hierarchical in
nature and have at least two parts: network and host. An example of a hier-
archical address is, where 172.16 is the network and 10.5 is the
host address.
Network layer
In the OSI reference model, it is Layer 3--the layer in
which routing is implemented, enabling connections and path selection
between two end systems. See also: Application layer, Data Link layer, Phys-
ical layer, Presentation layer, Session layer,
and Transport layer.
NetFlow Feature Card: A module installed on Cisco Catalyst 5000
series switches. It is capable of examining each frame's IP header as well as
the Ethernet header. This in turn allows the NFFC to create flows.
Network File System: One of the protocols in Sun Microsystems'
widely used file system protocol suite, allowing remote file access across a
network. The name is loosely used to refer to the entire Sun protocol suite,
which also includes RPC, XDR (External Data Representation), and other
Next Hop Resolution Protocol: In a nonbroadcast multi-access
(NBMA) network, the protocol employed by routers in order to dynamically
locate MAC addresses of various hosts and routers. It enables systems to
communicate directly without requiring an intermediate hop, thus facili-
tating increased performance in ATM, Frame Relay, X.25, and SMDS
Next Hop Server: Defined by the NHRP protocol, this server main-
tains the next-hop resolution cache tables, listing IP-to-ATM address maps
of related nodes and nodes that can be reached through routers served by
the NHS.
network interface card: An electronic circuit board placed in a com-
puter. The NIC provides network communication to a LAN.
NetWare Link Services Protocol: Novell's link-state routing pro-
tocol, based on the IS-IS model.
Copyright ©2001 SYBEX , Inc., Alameda, CA

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