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Frame Relay switching
When a router at a service provider provides
packet switching for Frame Relay packets.
frame tagging
VLANs can span multiple connected switches, which
Cisco calls a switch-fabric. Switches within this switch-fabric must keep
track of frames as they are received on the switch ports, and they must keep
track of the VLAN they belong to as the frames traverse this switch-fabric.
Frame tagging performs this function. Switches can then direct frames to the
appropriate port.
Encapsulation at the Data Link layer of the OSI model. It is called
framing because the packet is encapsulated with both a header and a trailer.
Frame Relay Access Support: A feature of Cisco IOS software that
enables SDLC, Ethernet, Token Ring, and Frame Relay-attached IBM
devices to be linked with other IBM mechanisms on a Frame Relay network.
See also: FRAD.
The number of cycles of an alternating current signal per time
unit, measured in Hertz (cycles per second).
Fast Serial Interface Processor: The Cisco 7000 routers' default serial
interface processor, it provides four or eight high-speed serial ports.
File Transfer Protocol: The TCP/IP protocol used for transmitting files
between network nodes, it supports a broad range of file types and is defined
in RFC 959. See also: TFTP.
full duplex
The capacity to transmit information between a sending sta-
tion and a receiving unit at the same time. See also: half duplex.
full mesh
A type of network topology where every node has either a phys-
ical or a virtual circuit linking it to every other network node. A full mesh
supplies a great deal of redundancy but is typically reserved for network
backbones because of its expense. See also: partial mesh.
gateway of last resort
Term used when the default route is set.
Gigabit EtherChannel
See: Fast EtherChannel.
Copyright ©2001 SYBEX , Inc., Alameda, CA

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