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Creating BGP Policies
We now must identify the network in which we wish to permit. In this
case, I would like to advertise the network. To do this, I must also
identify the 32-bit subnet mask either as the number of bits or a decimal
value. So the statement would read
prefix-list list1 seq 15 permit
Let's now walk through the whole process step by step, looking at all the
options available:
Cisco3640(config)#ip prefix-list ?
WORD Name of a prefix list
WORD Name of a prefix list
Cisco3640(config)#ip prefix-list list1 ?
deny Specify packets to reject
description Prefix-list specific description
permit Specify packets to forward
seq sequence number of an entry
Cisco3640(config)#ip prefix-list list1 seq ?
<1-4294967294> Sequence number
Cisco3640(config)#ip prefix-list list1 seq 15 ?
deny Specify packets to reject
permit Specify packets to forward
Cisco3640(config)#ip prefix-list list1 seq 15 permit ?
A.B.C.D IP prefix <network>/<length>, e.g.,
Cisco3640(config)#ip prefix-list list1 seq 15 permit ?
ge Minimum prefix length to be matched
le Maximum prefix length to be matched
Copyright ©2001 SYBEX , Inc., Alameda, CA

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