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Frame Relay Configuration 559
The debug frame-relay lmi output shows an indication of both sending and receiving LMI
enquiries. The status message is sent by the switch, whereas the status enquiry is sent by the
DTE (router). The IOS keepalive setting does not cause packets to flow between routers, but
rather it causes the router to send LMI messages to the switch. It also causes the router to expect
LMI messages from the switch.
Configuring Networks with Coexisting Point-to-Point and Multipoint
The Frame Relay networks built by CCNAs most likely will include both point-to-point and
multipoint subinterfaces. This last sample network (based on the environment depicted in
Figure 8-13) uses both types of subinterfaces. Example 8-14, Example 8-15, Example 8-16,
Example 8-17, and Example 8-18 show the configuration for this network.
Example 8-14
Router A Configuration
hostname RouterA
ipx routing 0200.aaaa.aaaa
interface serial0
encapsulation frame-relay
interface serial 0.1 multipoint
ip address
ipx network 1
frame-relay interface-dlci 502
frame-relay interface-dlci 503
interface serial 0.2 point-to-point
ip address
ipx network 2
frame-relay interface-dlci 504
interface serial 0.3 point-to-point
ip address
ipx network 3
frame-relay interface-dlci 505
interface ethernet 0
ip address
ipx network 11
Example 8-15
Router B Configuration
hostname RouterB
ipx routing 0200.bbbb.bbbb
interface serial0
encapsulation frame-relay
continues Page 559 Monday, March 20, 2000 5:17 PM