scutil [-r node_or_address | -w key [-t timeout]]
Provides control of the System Configuration
framework's dynamic store. scutil
opens an interactive session with
configd, in which various commands are available
to view and modify System Configuration keys.
As a quick sample run-through, invoke scutil.
You will be placed at the scutil prompt. Enter
open to start the session with
configd, then enter list.
You will see a set of keys, some of which are provided by the System
Configuration framework (such as the keys in the
File: domain), some of which are obtained from the
preferences file /var/db/SystemConfiguration.xml
(the Setup: keys), and some of which are published
by the configuration agents (the State: keys).
Enter get State:/Network/Global/DNS to load
the dictionary associated with that key. Then run to display it. You should see a list of
DNS servers and search domains configured on your system. Finally,
run close, then quit.
- -r
Checks for reachability of the node or address. (Any numerical
argument seems to result in Reachable status.)
- -t
Specifies the timeout to wait for the presence of a data store key,
in seconds. The default is 15.
- -w
Exits when the specified key exists in the data store or when the
timeout has expired.
scutil enters interactive mode when it is
invoked with no arguments.
- add key [temporary]
Adds a key to the data store with the value of the current
dictionary. The temporary keyword causes it to be flushed when the
session to configd is closed.
- close
Closes a session with configd.
- d.add key [* | ? | #] value...
Adds an entry to the current dictionary. The optional type specifier
can designate the values as arrays (*),
booleans (?), or numbers (#).
- d.init
Creates an empty dictionary.
- d.remove key
Removes the specified key from the current dictionary.
Displays the contents of the current dictionary.
- file
Reads prepared commands from a file.
- get key
Causes the value of the specified key to become the current
- help
Prints a list of available commands.
- list [key_pattern]
Lists keys in the System Configuration data store. The
key_pattern can restrict which keys are
output, but key_pattern appears to be
quite limited.
- n.add { key | key_pattern }
Requests notification of changes to the specified keys.
- n.cancel
Cancels settings.
- n.changes
Lists changed keys that have been marked with notification requests.
- n.list [key_pattern]
Lists keys upon which notification requests have been set.
- n.remove { key | key_pattern }
Removes notification requests for the specified keys.
- [verbose]
Causes changes to keys marked with notification requests to issue
immediate notices, obviating the need to use
n.changes to serve notice that the change has
- notify key
Sends a notification for the specified key.
- open
Opens a session with configd.
- quit
Exits the scutil session.
- remove key
Removes the specified key from the data store.
- set key
Sets the specified key to the value of the current dictionary.
Operating System