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Index: M

m (mark place) command : 4.4. Marking Your Place
M (middle line) command : 3.1.4. Movement Within a Screen
:m (move) command (ex) : 5.2. Editing with ex
magic option : 7.1.4. Some Useful Options
major modes, vile : 12.10.2. Major Modes
Make button (elvis) : 10.6.3. The Toolbar
:make command (elvis)
10.6.3. The Toolbar
10.9.1. Edit-Compile Speedup
:make (:mak) command (vim) : 11.9.1. Edit-Compile Speedup
makeef option (vim) : 11.9.1. Edit-Compile Speedup
makeprg option (elvis) : 10.9.1. Edit-Compile Speedup
makeprg option (vim) : 11.9.1. Edit-Compile Speedup
man display mode (elvis) : 10.10.1. Display Modes
:map command (ex) : 7.3.2. Using the map Command
commands in .exrc files : 7.1.2. The .exrc File
useful examples of using : 7.3.5. More Examples of Mapping Keys
maps : 7.3.2. Using the map Command
function keys and special keys : 7.3.7. Mapping Function Keys
for insert mode : 7.3.6. Mapping Keys for Insert Mode
named buffer contents as : 7.3.10. @-Functions
useful examples of : 7.3.5. More Examples of Mapping Keys
repeating long insertions : Repeat
setting : 2.2.3. Movement Within a Line
marking your place : 4.4. Marking Your Place
marks (vile visual mode) : 12.8.7. Visual Mode
matching brackets : 7.5.2. A Special Search Command
menu support for xvile : 12.6.3. Adding Menus
metacharacters : 6.3. Pattern-Matching Rules
extended regular expressions : 8.4. Extended Regular Expressions
elvis editor : 10.7. Extended Regular Expressions
nvi editor : 9.7. Extended Regular Expressions
vile editor : 12.7. Extended Regular Expressions
vim editor : 11.7. Extended Regular Expressions
middle line, moving to : 3.1.4. Movement Within a Screen
mini-hilite option (vile) : 12.8.1. Command-Line History and Completion
minus : (see hyphen)
mode indicators (vi clones) : 8.6.7. Mode Indicators
:modeline-format command (vile) : 12.10.4. Miscellaneous Small Features
modes : 1.1.3. Modus Operandi
Moolenaar, Bram
E.4. vi Quotes
11. vim -- vi Improved
11.10.1. vim Is Charityware
Mortice Kern Systems : 7.5. Editing Program Source Code
mouse behavior, elvis : 10.6.2. Mouse Behavior
:move command (ex) : 5.2. Editing with ex
:move-next-window-down command (vile) : 12.5. Multiwindow Editing
:move-next-window-up command (vile) : 12.5. Multiwindow Editing
:move-window-left command (vile) : 12.5. Multiwindow Editing
:move-window-right command (vile) : 12.5. Multiwindow Editing
among multiple files : 5.5.1. Invoking vi on Multiple Files
lines : 5.2. Editing with ex
switching database items (example) : 6.5.2. Switching Items in a Database
text (delete-and-put) : 2.3. Simple Edits
numbered deletion/yank buffers
2.3.6. Moving Text
4.3. Making Use of Buffers
text blocks by patterns : 6.4.2. Block Move by Patterns
moving the cursor
2.2. Moving the Cursor
2.6. Review of Basic vi Commands
3.1.4. Movement Within a Screen
commands for
A. Quick Reference
3.5. Review of vi Motion Commands
to marks : 4.4. Marking Your Place
opening files at specific place : 4.2.1. Advancing to a Specific Place
by searching for patterns
3.3. Movement by Searches
3.4. Movement by Line Number
by text blocks
2.2.4. Movement by Text Blocks
3.2. Movement by Text Blocks
vim commands for (programming) : Cursor motion commands for programming
xvile interface : Setting the cursor position and mouse motions
mugs with vi logo : E.1.4. vi for Java Lovers
multiwindow editing : 8.2. Multiwindow Editing
elvis editor : 10.5. Multiwindow Editing
nvi editor : 9.5. Multiwindow Editing
vile editor : 12.5. Multiwindow Editing
vim editor : 11.5. Multiwindow Editing

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