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UNIX Power Tools

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Previous: 40.2 Waiting a Little While: sleep Chapter 40
Delayed Execution
Next: 40.4 Choosing the Shell Run (We Hope) by at

40.3 The at Command

The at facility submits a command line (or a script) for execution at an arbitrary later time. It has the form:

% at 

options time < scriptfile

This submits the scriptfile for execution at a later time . The redirection (< ) isn't required on BSD and some other UNIX systems. If you don't want to write a script, you can omit it and type your commands on the terminal, terminated by CTRL-d:

% at 

options time
Command 1
Command 2


The time is most commonly a four-digit number representing a time on a 24-hour clock. For example, 0130 represents 1:30 a.m. and 1400 represents 2 p.m. You can also use abbreviations such as 1am , 130pm , and so on.

- ML from O'Reilly & Associates' System Performance Tuning , Chapter 3

Previous: 40.2 Waiting a Little While: sleep UNIX Power Tools Next: 40.4 Choosing the Shell Run (We Hope) by at
40.2 Waiting a Little While: sleep Book Index 40.4 Choosing the Shell Run (We Hope) by at

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