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UNIX Power Tools

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Previous: 30.38 Finding Your Place with Undo Chapter 31 Next: 31.2 Save Time and Typing with the vi map Commands

31. Creating Custom Commands in vi

31.1 Why Type More Than You Have To?

Keymapping - storing complex command sequences so that they can be executed with a single keystroke - is one of my favorite timesavers. There's nothing like typing one key and watching a whole string of work take place. For repetitive edits (e.g., font changes) it's a real wrist-saver, too. In this chapter we show you how to:

  • Save time by mapping keys: articles 31.2 , 31.4 , 31.7 , and 31.8 .

  • Know when to map a key and when not to: article 31.3 .

  • Map keys like ESC and RETURN: article 31.6 .

  • Move around the file without leaving text-input mode: articles 31.12 and 31.13 .

  • Protect the text you're pasting in from another window: article 31.5 .

  • Put custom commands in your .exrc file: articles 31.9 , 31.10 , and 31.14 .

  • Break long lines of text: article 31.16 .

- EK

Previous: 30.38 Finding Your Place with Undo UNIX Power Tools Next: 31.2 Save Time and Typing with the vi map Commands
30.38 Finding Your Place with Undo Book Index 31.2 Save Time and Typing with the vi map Commands

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