4.3 String OperatorsThe curly-bracket syntax allows for the shell's string operators . String operators allow you to manipulate values of variables in various useful ways without having to write full-blown programs or resort to external UNIX utilities. You can do a lot with string-handling operators even if you haven't yet mastered the programming features we'll see in later chapters. In particular, string operators let you do the following:
4.3.1 Syntax of String OperatorsThe basic idea behind the syntax of string operators is that special characters that denote operations are inserted between the variable's name and the right curly brackets. Any argument that the operator may need is inserted to the operator's right. The first group of string-handling operators tests for the existence of variables and allows substitutions of default values under certain conditions. These are listed in Table 4.1 . [6]
The first two of these operators are ideal for setting defaults for command-line arguments in case the user omits them. We'll use the first one in our first programming task. Task 4.1
By far the best approach to this type of script is to use built-in UNIX utilities, combining them with I/O redirectors and pipes. This is the classic "building-block" philosophy of UNIX that is another reason for its great popularity with programmers. The building-block technique lets us write a first version of the script that is only one line long: sort -nr $1 | head -${2:-10} Here is how this works: the sort (1) program sorts the data in the file whose name is given as the first argument ($1 ). The -n option tells sort to interpret the first word on each line as a number (instead of as a character string); the -r tells it to reverse the comparisons, so as to sort in descending order. The output of sort is piped into the head (1) utility, which, when given the argument - N , prints the first N lines of its input on the standard output. The expression -${2:-10} evaluates to a dash (- ) followed by the second argument if it is given, or to -10 if it's not; notice that the variable in this expression is 2 , which is the second positional parameter. Assume the script we want to write is called highest . Then if the user types highest myfile , the line that actually runs is: sort -nr myfile | head -10 Or if the user types highest myfile 22 , the line that runs is: sort -nr myfile | head -22 Make sure you understand how the :- string operator provides a default value. This is a perfectly good, runnable script-but it has a few problems. First, its one line is a bit cryptic. While this isn't much of a problem for such a tiny script, it's not wise to write long, elaborate scripts in this manner. A few minor changes will make the code more readable. First, we can add comments to the code; anything between # and the end of a line is a comment. At a minimum, the script should start with a few comment lines that indicate what the script does and what arguments it accepts. Second, we can improve the variable names by assigning the values of the positional parameters to regular variables with mnemonic names. Finally, we can add blank lines to space things out; blank lines, like comments, are ignored. Here is a more readable version: # # highest filename [howmany] # # Print howmany highest-numbered lines in file filename. # The input file is assumed to have lines that start with # numbers. Default for howmany is 10. # filename=$1 howmany=${2:-10} sort -nr $filename | head -$howmany The square brackets around howmany in the comments adhere to the convention in UNIX documentation that square brackets denote optional arguments. The changes we just made improve the code's readability but not how it runs. What if the user were to invoke the script without any arguments? Remember that positional parameters default to null if they aren't defined. If there are no arguments, then $1 and $2 are both null. The variable howmany ($2 ) is set up to default to 10, but there is no default for filename ($1 ). The result would be that this command runs: sort -nr | head -10 As it happens, if sort is called without a filename argument, it expects input to come from standard input, e.g., a pipe (|) or a user's terminal. Since it doesn't have the pipe, it will expect the terminal. This means that the script will appear to hang! Although you could always type [CTRL-D] or [CTRL-C] to get out of the script, a naive user might not know this. Therefore we need to make sure that the user supplies at least one argument. There are a few ways of doing this; one of them involves another string operator. We'll replace the line: filename=$1 with: filename=${1:?"filename missing."} This will cause two things to happen if a user invokes the script without any arguments: first the shell will print the somewhat unfortunate message: highest: 1: filename missing. to the standard error output. Second, the script will exit without running the remaining code. With a somewhat "kludgy" modification, we can get a slightly better error message. Consider this code: filename=$1 filename=${filename:?"missing."} This results in the message: highest: filename: missing. (Make sure you understand why.) Of course, there are ways of printing whatever message is desired; we'll find out how in Chapter 5 . Before we move on, we'll look more closely at the two remaining operators in Table 4.1 and see how we can incorporate them into our task solution. The := operator does roughly the same thing as :- , except that it has the "side effect" of setting the value of the variable to the given word if the variable doesn't exist. Therefore we would like to use := in our script in place of :- , but we can't; we'd be trying to set the value of a positional parameter, which is not allowed. But if we replaced: howmany=${2:-10} with just: howmany=$2 and moved the substitution down to the actual command line (as we did at the start), then we could use the := operator: sort -nr $filename | head -${howmany:=10} Using := has the added benefit of setting the value of howmany to 10 in case we need it afterwards in later versions of the script. The final substitution operator is :+ . Here is how we can use it in our example: Let's say we want to give the user the option of adding a header line to the script's output. If he or she types the option -h , then the output will be preceded by the line: ALBUMS ARTIST Assume further that this option ends up in the variable header , i.e., $header is -h if the option is set or null if not. (Later we will see how to do this without disturbing the other positional parameters.) The expression: ${header:+"ALBUMS ARTIST\n"} yields null if the variable header is null, or ALBUMS══ARTIST \n if it is non-null. This means that we can put the line: print -n ${header:+"ALBUMS ARTIST\n"} right before the command line that does the actual work. The -n option to print causes it not to print a LINEFEED after printing its arguments. Therefore this print statement will print nothing-not even a blank line-if header is null; otherwise it will print the header line and a LINEFEED (\n). 4.3.2 Patterns and Regular ExpressionsWe'll continue refining our solution to Task 4-1 later in this chapter.
The next type of string operator is used to match portions of a
variable's string value against patterns
Patterns, as we saw in Chapter 1
are strings that can contain
wildcard characters ( Wildcards have been standard features of all UNIX shells going back (at least) to the Version 6 Bourne shell. But the Korn shell is the first shell to add to their capabilities. It adds a set of operators, called regular expression (or regexp for short) operators, that give it much of the string-matching power of advanced UNIX utilities like awk (1), egrep (1) (extended grep (1)) and the emacs editor, albeit with a different syntax. These capabilities go beyond those that you may be used to in other UNIX utilities like grep , sed (1) and vi (1). Advanced UNIX users will find the Korn shell's regular expression capabilities occasionally useful for script writing, although they border on overkill. (Part of the problem is the inevitable syntactic clash with the shell's myriad other special characters.) Therefore we won't go into great detail about regular expressions here. For more comprehensive information, the "last word" on practical regular expressions in UNIX is sed & awk , an O'Reilly Nutshell Handbook by Dale Dougherty. If you are already comfortable with awk or egrep , you may want to skip the following introductory section and go to "Korn Shell Versus awk/egrep Regular Expressions" below, where we explain the shell's regular expression mechanism by comparing it with the syntax used in those two utilities. Otherwise, read on. Regular expression basicsThink of regular expressions as strings that match patterns more powerfully than the standard shell wildcard schema. Regular expressions began as an idea in theoretical computer science, but they have found their way into many nooks and crannies of everyday, practical computing. The syntax used to represent them may vary, but the concepts are very much the same. A shell regular expression can contain regular characters, standard wildcard characters, and additional operators that are more powerful than wildcards. Each such operator has the form x (exp ) , where x is the particular operator and exp is any regular expression (often simply a regular string). The operator determines how many occurrences of exp a string that matches the pattern can contain. See Table 4.2 and Table 4.3 .
Regular expressions are extremely useful when dealing with arbitrary text, as you already know if you have used grep or the regular-expression capabilities of any UNIX editor. They aren't nearly as useful for matching filenames and other simple types of information with which shell users typically work. Furthermore, most things you can do with the shell's regular expression operators can also be done (though possibly with more keystrokes and less efficiency) by piping the output of a shell command through grep or egrep . Nevertheless, here are a few examples of how shell regular expressions can solve filename-listing problems. Some of these will come in handy in later chapters as pieces of solutions to larger tasks.
Here are the solutions:
Regular expression operators are an interesting addition to the Korn shell's features, but you can get along well without them-even if you intend to do a substantial amount of shell programming. In our opinion, the shell's authors missed an opportunity to build into the wildcard mechanism the ability to match files by type (regular, directory, executable, etc., as in some of the conditional tests we will see in Chapter 5 ) as well as by name component. We feel that shell programmers would have found this more useful than arcane regular expression operators. The following section compares Korn shell regular expressions to analogous features in awk and egrep . If you aren't familiar with these, skip to the section entitled "Pattern-matching Operators." Korn shell versus awk/egrep regular expressionsTable 4.4 is an expansion of Table 4.2 : the middle column shows the equivalents in awk /egrep of the shell's regular expression operators.
These equivalents are close but not quite exact. Actually, an exp within any of the Korn shell operators can be a series of exp1 |exp2 |... alternates. But because the shell would interpret an expression like dave|fred|bob as a pipeline of commands, you must use @(dave|fred|bob) for alternates by themselves. For example:
It is worth re-emphasizing that shell regular expressions can still
contain standard shell wildcards.
Thus, the shell wildcard ?
(match any single character) is the equivalent to .
or awk
, and the shell's character set operator
is the same as in those utilities.
For example, the expression +([0-9])
matches a number, i.e.,
one or more digits. The shell wildcard character
A few egrep and awk regexp operators do not have equivalents in the Korn shell. These include:
The first two pairs are hardly necessary, since the Korn shell doesn't normally operate on text files and does parse strings into words itself. 4.3.3 Pattern-matching OperatorsTable 4.5 lists the Korn shell's pattern-matching operators.
These can be hard to remember, so here's a handy mnemonic device: # matches the front because number signs precede numbers; % matches the rear because percent signs follow numbers. The classic use for pattern-matching operators is in stripping off components of pathnames, such as directory prefixes and filename suffixes. With that in mind, here is an example that shows how all of the operators work. Assume that the variable path has the value /home /billr/mem/long.file.name ; then: Expression Result ${path##/*/} long.file.name ${path#/*/} billr/mem/long.file.name $path /home/billr/mem/long.file.name ${path%.*} /home/billr/mem/long.file ${path%%.*} /home/billr/mem/long The two patterns used here are We will incorporate one of these operators into our next programming task. Task 4.2
Think of a C compiler as a pipeline of data processing components. C source code is input to the beginning of the pipeline, and object code comes out of the end; there are several steps in between. The shell script's task, among many other things, is to control the flow of data through the components and to designate output files. You need to write the part of the script that takes the name of the input C source file and creates from it the name of the output object code file. That is, you must take a filename ending in .c and create a filename that is similar except that it ends in .o . The task at hand is to strip the .c off the filename and append .o . A single shell statement will do it: objname=${filename%.c}.o This tells the shell to look at the end of filename for .c . If there is a match, return $filename with the match deleted. So if filename had the value fred.c , the expression ${filename%.c} would return fred . The .o is appended to make the desired fred.o , which is stored in the variable objname . If filename had an inappropriate value (without .c ) such as fred.a , the above expression would evaluate to fred.a.o : since there was no match, nothing is deleted from the value of filename , and .o is appended anyway. And, if filename contained more than one dot-e.g., if it were the y.tab.c that is so infamous among compiler writers-the expression would still produce the desired y.tab.o . Notice that this would not be true if we used %% in the expression instead of % . The former operator uses the longest match instead of the shortest, so it would match .tab.o and evaluate to y.o rather than y.tab.o . So the single % is correct in this case. A longest-match deletion would be preferable, however, in the following task. Task 4.3
Clearly the objective is to remove the directory prefix from the pathname. The following line will do it: bannername=${pathname##*/} This solution is similar to the first line in the examples shown before.
If pathname
were just a filename, the pattern
If we used
The construct
4.3.4 Length OperatorThere are two remaining operators on variables.
One is
}, which
returns the length of the value of the variable as a character
string. (In Chapter 6
we will see how to treat this
and similar values as actual numbers so they can be used
in arithmetic expressions.) For example,
if filename
has the value fred.c
, then
would have the value 6
The other operator
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||