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UNIX in a Nutshell: System V Edition

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1.5 Guide for Users of BSD-derived Systems

Those of you making a transition to SVR4 from a BSD-derived system should note that BSD commands reside in your system's /usr/ucb directory. This is especially important when using certain commands, because the compatibility packages include several commands that have an existing counterpart in SVR4, and the two versions work slightly differently. If your PATH variable specifies /usr/ucb before the SVR4 command directories (e.g., /usr ), you'll end up running the BSD version of the command. Check your PATH variable to make sure that you're getting what you want. The commands that have both BSD and SVR4 variants include:

basename du ln sum
cc echo ls test
chown groups ps tr
deroff install shutdown vacation
df ld stty

This guide describes the SVR4 version of the above commands.

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1.4 Beginner's Guide Book Index 2. UNIX Commands

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