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Index: R

-r operator : 10.5. The -x File Tests
-R operator : 10.5. The -x File Tests
rand( ) operator : 3.8. Exercises
example of : A.2. Chapter 3, Arrays and List Data
random access
to password file : 16.1. Getting Password and Group Information
with seek( ) operator : 17.4. Fixed-Length Random Access Databases
ranges, character, in regular expressions : 7.3.1. Single-Character Patterns
read( ) operator : 17.4. Fixed-Length Random Access Databases
readdir( ) operator : 12.5. Reading a Directory Handle
from a command : 14.3. Using Processes as Filehandles
from a file : 10.4. Using Filehandles
from standard input : 6.1. Input from STDIN
readlink( ) operator : 13.3.2. Creating Hard and Soft Links with Perl
example of : A.12. Chapter 13, File and Directory Manipulation
redo operator : 9.3. The redo Statement
references in CGI programs : 19.7.1. References
regular expressions : 1.5.7. Handling Varying Input Formats
alternation in : Alternation
anchoring in : 7.3.3. Anchoring Patterns
backtracking in : Multipliers
character classes in : 7.3.1. Single-Character Patterns
compared with globbing : 12.2. Globbing
definition of : 7.1. Concepts About Regular Expressions
example of
1.5.8. Making It Fair for the Rest
1.5.9. Making It a Bit More Modular
9.1. The last Statement
grouping patterns of : 7.3.2. Grouping Patterns
non-special characters of : 7.3.1. Single-Character Patterns
precedence in : 7.3.4. Precedence
split( ) and : 7.6.1. The split Function
variable interpolation and : 7.4.4. Using Variable Interpolation
characters : 15.5. Transliteration
files : 13.1. Removing a File
last character : 2.6.3. The chop and chomp Functions
rename( ) operator
1.5.15. Making Those Old Word Lists More Noticeable
13.2. Renaming a File
example of
A.12. Chapter 13, File and Directory Manipulation
1.5.17. The Final Programs
renaming files : 13.2. Renaming a File
examples of : 1.5.15. Making Those Old Word Lists More Noticeable
reports, generating
1.5.14. Listing the Secret Words
11.1. What Is a Format?
result : 2.4. Scalar Operators
return status, backwards for system( ) : 14.1. Using system and exec
return values
from fork : 14.4. Using fork
introduced : 1.5.9. Making It a Bit More Modular
print( ) and : 6.3.1. Using print for Normal Output
read( ) : 17.4. Fixed-Length Random Access Databases
select( ) : 11.6.1. Using select( ) to Change the Filehandle
subroutine, example of : 1.5.17. The Final Programs
subroutines : 8.3. Return Values
tr operator : 15.5. Transliteration
reverse( ) operator : 3.4.5. The reverse Function
example of
A.2. Chapter 3, Arrays and List Data
A.5. Chapter 6, Basic I/O
right angle brackets (\>), as format field characters : 11.4.1. Text Fields
right associativity : 2.4.3. Operator Precedence and Associativity
rindex( ) operator : 15.1. Finding a Substring
example of : A.14. Chapter 15, Other Data Transformation
rm command, and unlink( ) : 13.1. Removing a File
rmdir( ) operator : 13.4. Making and Removing Directories

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