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Index: T

t command (debugger)
Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 6, Reference: t
Programming Perl, 8.1.1. Debugger Commands
T command (debugger)
Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 6, Reference: T
Programming Perl, 8.1.1. Debugger Commands
-t file test operator
Perl Cookbook, 15.2. Testing Whether a Program Is Running Interactively
Learning Perl, 10.5. The -x File Tests
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 10.6. The -x File Tests
Perl in a Nutshell, 4.5.8. File Test Operators
-T file test operator
Learning Perl, 10.5. The -x File Tests
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 10.6. The -x File Tests
Perl in a Nutshell, 4.5.8. File Test Operators
Programming Perl, 2.5.10. Named Unary and File Test Operators
-t option (dprofpp) : Perl in a Nutshell, 6.5. The Perl Profiler
-T option (dprofpp) : Perl in a Nutshell, 6.5. The Perl Profiler
-t option (perlbug) : Perl in a Nutshell, 6.6. The perlbug Program
\t (tab) sequence : Perl in a Nutshell, 4.6.3. Escaped Sequences
-T switch, perl
Advanced Perl Programming, Security features
Perl in a Nutshell, 3.2. Command-Line Options
Programming Perl, 6.1.2. Switches
Programming Perl, Internet TCP clients and servers
Programming Perl, 6.3.1. Handling Insecure Data
TAB character
Learning Perl, 2.3.2. Double-Quoted Strings
Programming Perl, 7.2.70. Text::Tabs - Expand and Unexpand Tabs
completion and : Programming Perl, 7.2.65. Term::Complete - Word Completion Module
tabs : (see whitespace)
-tabs option (Text) : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.11. The Text Widget
tac command, emulating : Learning Perl, 6.4. Exercises
tag() (HTML::Parser) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 17, Reference: tag
tagAdd() (Text widget) : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.11.3. Tags
tagBind() (Text widget) : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.11.3. Tags
tagCget() (Text widget) : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.11.3. Tags
tagConfigure() (Text widget) : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.11.3. Tags
tagDelete() (Text widget) : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.11.3. Tags
tagged styles, widget : Advanced Perl Programming, Using tags to change properties of text ranges
tagLower() (Text widget) : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.11.3. Tags
tagNames() (Text widget) : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.11.3. Tags
tagNextrange() : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.11.3. Tags
tagRaise() (Text widget) : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.11.3. Tags
tagRanges() (Text widget) : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.11.3. Tags
tagRemove() (Text widget) : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.11.3. Tags
tags, functions for : Programming Perl, Tag handling utility functions
tags, HTML : (see HTML)
tags, with Text widgets : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.11.3. Tags
tailwtmp program : Perl Cookbook, 8.18. Program: tailwtmp
taint checking
Advanced Perl Programming, Security features
Perl in a Nutshell, 3.2. Command-Line Options
Programming Perl, 6.1.2. Switches
Programming Perl, Internet TCP clients and servers
Programming Perl, 6.3.1. Handling Insecure Data
taint mode
Advanced Perl Programming, Trojan horses
Perl Cookbook, 19.4. Writing a Safe CGI Program
taintperl program : Programming Perl, 8.2.7. Previous Perl Traps
-takefocus option (widgets) : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.3. Common Widget Configuration Options
tan() : Perl Cookbook, 2.12. Calculating More Trigonometric Functions
tar utility : Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 1.3.2. Standard Perl Distribution
targets, make : Programming Perl, Targets
tcapdemo program (example) : Perl Cookbook, 15.18. Program: Small termcap program
tcgrep program : Perl Cookbook, 6.22. Program: tcgrep
Tcl language
(see also Perl/Tk toolkit)
Advanced Perl Programming, 14.1. Introduction to GUIs, Tk, and Perl/Tk
Advanced Perl Programming, Why Perl?
dynamic evaluation versus subroutines : Advanced Perl Programming, 4.5.1. Tcl
modular programming in : Advanced Perl Programming, 6.9.1. Tcl
object orientation of : Advanced Perl Programming, 7.5.1. Tcl
references in : Advanced Perl Programming, 1.7.1. Tcl
run-time evaluation and error handling : Advanced Perl Programming, 5.7.1. Tcl (Tool Command Language)
trace command : Advanced Perl Programming, 9.6.1. Tcl
TCP/IP (Transport Control Protocol/IP)
Advanced Perl Programming, 12.1. Networking Primer
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, C. Networking Clients
Programming Perl, Internet TCP clients and servers
communicating over : Perl Cookbook, 17.3. Communicating over TCP
writing clients : Perl Cookbook, 17.1. Writing a TCP Client
writing servers : Perl Cookbook, 17.2. Writing a TCP Server
TCP_NODELAY socket option : Perl Cookbook, 17.3. Communicating over TCP
tctee program : Perl Cookbook, 8.19. Program: tctee
tear-off menus : Perl Cookbook, 15.14. Creating Menus with Tk
-tearoff option
Menu widget : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.15. The Menu Widget
Menubutton widget : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.14. The Menubutton Widget
Optionmenu widget : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.16. The Optionmenu Widget
technical support : Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 1.4. Support
Perl Cookbook, 8.0. Introduction
Learning Perl, 19.8.2. Objects in CGI.pm
Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 5, Reference: tell
Programming Perl, 3.2.169. tell
Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 5, Reference: telldir
Programming Perl, 3.2.170. telldir
telnet, simulating from programs : Perl Cookbook, 18.6. Simulating Telnet from a Program
Learning Perl, 4.6. Exercises
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 4.7. Exercises
template() : Perl Cookbook, 20.9. Creating HTML Templates
template files : Advanced Perl Programming, 17.2. Jeeves Example
TemplateParser module : Advanced Perl Programming, 17.3. Jeeves Overview
templates : Learning Perl, 11.2. Defining a Format
HTML : Perl Cookbook, 20.9. Creating HTML Templates
for modules : Perl Cookbook, 12.18. Example: Module Template
for outputting data : Perl in a Nutshell, 4.10. Formats
parsing : Advanced Perl Programming, 17.4.2. Template Parser
temporaries stack : Advanced Perl Programming, 20.4.3. Inside Other Stacks
temporary aliases : Advanced Perl Programming, 3.2.1. Temporary Aliases
temporary files
Perl Cookbook, 7.5. Creating Temporary Files
Perl Cookbook, 7.8. Modifying a File in Place with Temporary File
Perl Cookbook, 7.10. Modifying a File in Place Without a Temporary File
Term modules
Term::ANSIColor module : Perl Cookbook, 15.5. Changing Text Color
Term::Cap module
Perl Cookbook, 15.3. Clearing the Screen
Perl Cookbook, 15.18. Program: Small termcap program
Perl in a Nutshell, 8.138. Term::Cap
Programming Perl, 7.2.64. Term::Cap - Terminal Capabilities Interface
Term::Complete module
Perl in a Nutshell, 8.139. Term::Complete
Programming Perl, 7.2.65. Term::Complete - Word Completion Module
Term::ReadKey module : Perl Cookbook, 1.12. Reformatting Paragraphs
checking for waiting input : Perl Cookbook, 15.9. Checking for Waiting Input
determining window size : Perl Cookbook, 15.4. Determining Terminal or Window Size
reading from keyboard : Perl Cookbook, 15.6. Reading from the Keyboard
reading passwords : Perl Cookbook, 15.10. Reading Passwords
Term::ReadLine module
Perl Cookbook, 15.11. Editing Input
Perl in a Nutshell, 8.140. Term::ReadLine
Term::ReadLine::Gnu module : Perl Cookbook, 15.11. Editing Input
termcap database : Programming Perl, 7.2.64. Term::Cap - Terminal Capabilities Interface
terminal : (see user interfaces)
current process
(see die())
(see exit())
infinite loop : Programming Perl, For loops
processes : Programming Perl, 3.2.80. kill
subroutines : (see return statement)
termios interface : Perl Cookbook, 15.8. Using POSIX termios
Termios objects : Programming Perl, Classes
terms : Programming Perl, 2.5.1. Terms and List Operators (Leftward)
test command (CPAN.pm) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 2, Reference: test
Test modules
Perl in a Nutshell, 8.141. Test
Perl in a Nutshell, 8.142. Test::Harness
Programming Perl, 7.2.66. Test::Harness - Run Perl Standard Test Scripts with Statistics
code, Safe module for : Programming Perl, 7.2.51. Safe - Create Safe Namespaces for Evaluating Perl Code
collections of files : Programming Perl, 7.2.28. File::CheckTree - Run Many Tests on a Collection of Files
if defined : Programming Perl, 3.2.25. defined
for tained data : Programming Perl, Detecting and laundering tainted data
Tetris GUI (example) : Advanced Perl Programming, 15. GUI Example: Tetris
text : (see strings)
color : Perl Cookbook, 15.5. Changing Text Color
converting POD to ASCII : Programming Perl, 7.2.50. Pod::Text - Convert POD Data to Formatted ASCII Text
Entry widgets
Advanced Perl Programming, A.3. Entry
Advanced Perl Programming, The entry widget
parsing into tokens : Programming Perl, 7.2.68. Text::ParseWords - Parse Text into a List of Tokens
perlman viewer (example) : Advanced Perl Programming, 16. GUI Example: Man Page Viewer
positioning : Advanced Perl Programming, Inserting text at absolute positions
scrolling : Advanced Perl Programming, 14.3.9. Scrollbars and Scrolling
translating to/from pod : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 4, Reference: pod2text
Perl in a Nutshell, 8.122. Pod::Text
Programming Perl, 7.2.71. Text::Wrap - Wrap Text into a Paragraph
text editors, and updating databases : Learning Perl, 17.5. Variable-Length (Text) Databases
text fields (in formats) : Learning Perl, 11.4.1. Text Fields
text indexes (Entry widgets) : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.8.1. Text Indexes
Text modules
Perl in a Nutshell, 8.143. Text::Abbrev
Programming Perl, 7.2.50. Pod::Text - Convert POD Data to Formatted ASCII Text
Text::Abbrev module
Perl in a Nutshell, 8.143. Text::Abbrev
Programming Perl, 7.2.67. Text::Abbrev - Create an Abbreviation Table from a List
Text::ParseWords module
Perl Cookbook, 1.15. Parsing Comma-Separated Data
Perl in a Nutshell, 8.144. Text::ParseWords
Programming Perl, 7.2.68. Text::ParseWords - Parse Text into a List of Tokens
Text::Soundex module
Perl Cookbook, 1.16. Soundex Matching
Perl in a Nutshell, 8.145. Text::Soundex
Programming Perl, 7.2.69. Text::Soundex - The Soundex Algorithm Described by Knuth
Text::Tabs module
Perl Cookbook, 1.7. Expanding and Compressing Tabs
Perl in a Nutshell, 8.146. Text::Tabs
Programming Perl, 7.2.70. Text::Tabs - Expand and Unexpand Tabs
Text::Template module : Perl Cookbook, 20.9. Creating HTML Templates
Text::Wrap module
Perl Cookbook, 1.12. Reformatting Paragraphs
Perl in a Nutshell, 8.147. Text::Wrap
Programming Perl, 7.2.71. Text::Wrap - Wrap Text into a Paragraph
-text option
Button widget : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.4. The Button Widget
Checkbutton widget : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.5. The Checkbutton Widget
Label widget : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.7. The Label Widget
Menubutton widget : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.14. The Menubutton Widget
Optionmenu widget : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.16. The Optionmenu Widget
Radiobutton widget : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.6. The Radiobutton Widget
Text widgets (Perl/Tk)
Advanced Perl Programming, A.2.1. Text
Advanced Perl Programming, 14.3.5. Text and Entry
Perl in a Nutshell, 18.11. The Text Widget
textarea() (CGI.pm) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 10, Reference: textarea
textfield() (CGI.pm)
Learning Perl, 19.7. Other Form Elements
Learning Perl, 19.8.2. Objects in CGI.pm
Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 10, Reference: textfield
-textvariable option
Button widget : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.4. The Button Widget
Checkbutton widget : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.5. The Checkbutton Widget
Entry widget : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.8. The Entry Widget
Label widget : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.7. The Label Widget
Menubutton widget : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.14. The Menubutton Widget
Optionmenu widget : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.16. The Optionmenu Widget
Radiobutton widget : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.6. The Radiobutton Widget
Tgetent() : Programming Perl, 7.2.64. Term::Cap - Terminal Capabilities Interface
Tgoto() : Programming Perl, 7.2.64. Term::Cap - Terminal Capabilities Interface
Thompson, Ken : Advanced Perl Programming, 10.3. Record-Oriented Approach
Thread module : Perl in a Nutshell, 8.148. Thread
Thread::Queue module : Perl in a Nutshell, 8.149. Thread::Queue
Thread::Semaphore module : Perl in a Nutshell, 8.150. Thread::Semaphore
Thread::Signal module : Perl in a Nutshell, 8.151. Thread::Signal
Thread::Specific module : Perl in a Nutshell, 8.152. Thread::Specific
threads : (see multithreading)
-tickinterval option (Scale) : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.13. The Scale Widget
tidy_body() (Mail::Internet) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 14, Reference: tidy_body
Perl Cookbook, 13.15. Creating Magic Variables with tie
Perl Cookbook, 14.1. Making and Using a DBM File
Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 5, Reference: tie
Programming Perl, 3.2.171. tie
Programming Perl, 5.4. Using Tied Variables
Tie modules
Tie::Array module : Perl in a Nutshell, 8.153. Tie::Array, Tie::StdArray
Tie::Handle module : Perl in a Nutshell, 8.154. Tie::Handle
Tie::Hash module
Perl in a Nutshell, 8.155. Tie::Hash, Tie::StdHash
Programming Perl, 7.2.72. Tie::Hash, Tie::StdHash - Base Class Definitions for Tied Hashes
Tie::IxHash module : Perl Cookbook, 5.6. Retrieving from a Hash in Insertion Order
Tie::RefHash module
Perl Cookbook, 5.12. Hashing References
Perl in a Nutshell, 8.156. Tie::RefHash
Tie::Scalar module
Perl in a Nutshell, 8.157. Tie::Scalar, Tie::StdScalar
Programming Perl, 7.2.73. Tie::Scalar, Tie::StdScalar - Base Class Definitions for Tied Scalars
Tie::StdArray module : Perl in a Nutshell, 8.153. Tie::Array, Tie::StdArray
Tie::StdHash module
Perl in a Nutshell, 8.155. Tie::Hash, Tie::StdHash
Programming Perl, 7.2.72. Tie::Hash, Tie::StdHash - Base Class Definitions for Tied Hashes
Tie::StdScalar module
Perl in a Nutshell, 8.157. Tie::Scalar, Tie::StdScalar
Programming Perl, 7.2.73. Tie::Scalar, Tie::StdScalar - Base Class Definitions for Tied Scalars
Tie::SubstrHash module
Perl in a Nutshell, 8.158. Tie::SubstrHash
Programming Perl, 7.2.74. Tie::SubstrHash - Fixed-table-size, Fixed-key-length Hashing
tie statement : Advanced Perl Programming, 9. Tie
anonymous values : Advanced Perl Programming, tie works with anonymous values
arrays : Advanced Perl Programming, 9.2. Tying Arrays
filehandles : Advanced Perl Programming, 9.4. Tying Filehandles
hashes : Advanced Perl Programming, 9.3. Tying Hashes
monitoring variables (example) : Advanced Perl Programming, 9.5. Example: Monitoring Variables
scalars : Advanced Perl Programming, 9.1. Tying Scalars
Text widgets and : Advanced Perl Programming, Text widget and ties
Advanced Perl Programming, 9.2.1. TIEARRAY Example: File as an Array
Perl Cookbook, 13.15. Creating Magic Variables with tie
Programming Perl, 5.4.2. Tying Arrays
hashes : Programming Perl, 7.2.72. Tie::Hash, Tie::StdHash - Base Class Definitions for Tied Hashes
scalars : Programming Perl, 7.2.73. Tie::Scalar, Tie::StdScalar - Base Class Definitions for Tied Scalars
Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 5, Reference: tied
Programming Perl, 3.2.172. tied
TieFile facility (example) : Advanced Perl Programming, 9.2.1. TIEARRAY Example: File as an Array
TIEHANDLE method : Perl Cookbook, 13.15. Creating Magic Variables with tie
TIEHASH method
Perl Cookbook, 13.15. Creating Magic Variables with tie
Programming Perl, 5.4.3. Tying Hashes
Advanced Perl Programming, 9.1. Tying Scalars
Perl Cookbook, 13.15. Creating Magic Variables with tie
Programming Perl, 5.4.1. Tying Scalars
tilde (~) : (see ~ (tilde))
time : (see date and time)
Perl Cookbook, 3.0. Introduction
Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 5, Reference: time
Programming Perl, 3.2.173. time
Time modules
time operator
Learning Perl, 1.5.16. Maintaining a Last-Good-Guess Database
Learning Perl, 1.5.17. The Final Programs
Learning Perl, 13.7. Modifying Timestamps
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 1.6.17. The Final Programs
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 1.6.16. Maintaining a Last-Good-Guess Database
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 13.5. Modifying Timestamps
time zones : (see date and time)
time-outs, eval for : Advanced Perl Programming, 5.6. Using Eval for Time-Outs
time2str() (HTTP::Date) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 17, Reference: time2str
TimeConvert() (Win32::Internet) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 19, Reference: TimeConvert
Perl Cookbook, 3.0. Introduction
Perl Cookbook, 3.2. Converting DMYHMS to Epoch Seconds
timeit() : Programming Perl, 7.2.4. Benchmark - Check and Compare Running Times of Code
Perl Cookbook, 3.0. Introduction
Perl Cookbook, 3.2. Converting DMYHMS to Epoch Seconds
Programming Perl, 3.2.88. localtime
Timeout option (IO::Socket::INET) : Perl in a Nutshell, 13.2.4. IO::Socket::INET Reference
IO::Socket module : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 13, Reference: timeout
LWP::UserAgent module : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 17, Reference: timeout
Advanced Perl Programming, 13.1. Msg: Messaging Toolkit
Advanced Perl Programming, 14.5. Timers
high-resolution : Perl Cookbook, 3.9. High-Resolution Timers
Timer module : Advanced Perl Programming, 9.1.1. Example: Stopwatch
Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 5, Reference: times
Programming Perl, 3.2.174. times
Perl Cookbook, 9.1. Getting and Setting Timestamps
Learning Perl, 13.7. Modifying Timestamps
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 13.5. Modifying Timestamps
timethese() routine : Programming Perl, 7.2.4. Benchmark - Check and Compare Running Times of Code
timing out operations : Perl Cookbook, 16.21. Timing Out an Operation
timing with alarms : Programming Perl, 3.2.5. alarm
title() (Frame widget) : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.18.1. Toplevel Methods
Title() (Win32::Console) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 19, Reference: Title
Tix extension library : Advanced Perl Programming, 14.1. Introduction to GUIs, Tk, and Perl/Tk
Tk extension to Perl : (see Perl/Tk toolkit)
tksample3 program (example) : Perl Cookbook, 15.15. Creating Dialog Boxes with Tk
tksample4 program (example) : Perl Cookbook, 15.15. Creating Dialog Boxes with Tk
tkshufflepod program (example) : Perl Cookbook, 15.19. Program: tkshufflepod
TLI (Transport Layer Interface) : Advanced Perl Programming, 12.1. Networking Primer
tmpfile() (POSIX module) : Perl Cookbook, 7.5. Creating Temporary Files
tmpnam() (POSIX module) : Perl Cookbook, 7.5. Creating Temporary Files
tmps_stack : Advanced Perl Programming, 20.4.3. Inside Other Stacks
-to option (Scale) : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.13. The Scale Widget
Mail::Send module : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 14, Reference: to
Net::SMTP module : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 14, Reference: to
today's date : Perl Cookbook, 3.1. Finding Today's Date
toggle() (Checkbutton) : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.5.1. Checkbutton Methods
tokens, parsing text into : Programming Perl, 7.2.68. Text::ParseWords - Parse Text into a List of Tokens
_TOP (top-of-page format suffix) : Learning Perl, 11.5. The Top-of-Page Format
top() (Net::POP3) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 14, Reference: top
top-level window, Perl/Tk : Advanced Perl Programming, 14.2. Starting with Perl/Tk
top-of-form processing
Programming Perl, 2.8. Formats
Programming Perl, 2.9.2. Per-Filehandle Special Variables
Programming Perl, 3.2.134. select (output filehandle)
Programming Perl, 3.2.193. write
top-of-page format
Learning Perl, 11.5. The Top-of-Page Format
Learning Perl, 11.6.3. Changing the Top-of-Page Format Name
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 11.5. The Top-of-Page Format
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 11.6.3. Changing the Top-of-Page Format Name
example of
Learning Perl, 1.5.14. Listing the Secret Words
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 1.6.14. Listing the Secret Words
toplevel widget (Perl/Tk) : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.18. The Toplevel Widget
Tputs() : Programming Perl, 7.2.64. Term::Cap - Terminal Capabilities Interface
tr/// pattern match operator
Learning Perl, 15.5. Transliteration
Perl in a Nutshell, 4.6.1. Pattern-Matching Operators
Programming Perl, 2.4.2. Pattern-Matching Operators
Programming Perl, 3.2.175. tr///
~ operator with : Perl Cookbook, 1.1. Accessing Substrings
converting case with : Perl Cookbook, 1.9. Controlling Case
emulating : Learning Perl, 15.5. Transliteration
example of
Learning Perl, 1.5.8. Making It Fair for the Rest
Learning Perl, 1.5.17. The Final Programs
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 1.6.8. Making It Fair for the Rest
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 1.6.17. The Final Programs
trace() (DBI) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 12, Reference: trace
trailing growing files : Perl Cookbook, 8.5. Trailing a Growing File
trailing whitespace, removing : Perl Cookbook, 1.14. Trimming Blanks from the Ends of a String
Advanced Perl Programming, 10.1. Persistence Issues
Advanced Perl Programming, Transactions
transient() (Frame widget) : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.18.1. Toplevel Methods
translate operator : (see tr/// pattern match operator)
translating between languages
Programming Perl, 6.4.2. Translation from Other Languages
Programming Perl, 8.5.1. Translation from Awk and Sed
translation operator (y///)
Programming Perl, 2.4.2. Pattern-Matching Operators
Programming Perl, 3.2.194. y///
translator : Advanced Perl Programming, 20.2.2. Translator
transliteration : Learning Perl, 15.5. Transliteration
Advanced Perl Programming, 10.1. Persistence Issues
Advanced Perl Programming, 11. Implementing Object Persistence
Advanced Perl Programming, 11.2.1. Design Goals
transparently persistent data structures : Perl Cookbook, 11.14. Transparently Persistent Data Structures
transport protocols : Perl in a Nutshell, 13. Sockets
trapping undefined function calls : Perl Cookbook, 10.15. Trapping Undefined Function Calls with AUTOLOAD
traverse() (HTML::Parser) : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 17, Reference: traverse
traversing hashes : Perl Cookbook, 5.4. Traversing a Hash
tree structures : Perl Cookbook, 11.15. Program: Binary Trees
tree, directory : (see directories)
tree, file : (see CheckTree module; Find module)
Trequire() : Programming Perl, 7.2.64. Term::Cap - Terminal Capabilities Interface
triggers : Advanced Perl Programming, What DBI does not provide
trigonometry : Perl Cookbook, 2.11. Doing Trigonometry in Degrees, not Radians
trinary operator, ?: as : Programming Perl, 2.5.16. Conditional Operator
Trojan horses : Advanced Perl Programming, Trojan horses
(see also debugging)
Programming Perl, 8.1. The Perl Debugger
awk code : Programming Perl, 8.2.3. Awk Traps
C code : Programming Perl, 8.2.4. C Traps
CGI programs : Learning Perl, 19.9. Troubleshooting CGI Programs
multidimensional arrays : Programming Perl, 4.6.5. Common Mistakes
Perl 4 (and before) code : Programming Perl, 8.2.7. Previous Perl Traps
scripts : Programming Perl, 8.2. Common Goofs for Novices
shell code : Programming Perl, 8.2.6. Shell Traps
-troughcolor option
Scale widget : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.13. The Scale Widget
Scrollbar widget : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.9. The Scrollbar Widget
true (value)
(see also Boolean)
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, 4.2. The if/unless Statement
definition of : Learning Perl, 4.2. The if/unless Statement
regular expressions : Learning Perl, 7.2. Simple Uses of Regular Expressions
Perl Cookbook, 8.0. Introduction
Learning Perl, 19.8.2. Objects in CGI.pm
Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 5, Reference: truncate
Programming Perl, 3.2.176. truncate
truncating numbers : Programming Perl, 3.2.76. int
truth (Boolean)
Perl Cookbook, 1.0. Introduction
Programming Perl, 1.6.1. What Is Truth?
tsc_permute program (example) : Perl Cookbook, 4.19. Program: permute
tty devices, testing for : Perl Cookbook, 15.2. Testing Whether a Program Is Running Interactively
TTY option (PERLDB_OPTS) : Perl in a Nutshell, 6.4. Customizing the Debugger
tuple : (see records)
Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 5, Reference: tied
Programming Perl, 3.2.172. tied
Programming Perl, 7.2.72. Tie::Hash, Tie::StdHash - Base Class Definitions for Tied Hashes
Programming Perl, 7.2.73. Tie::Scalar, Tie::StdScalar - Base Class Definitions for Tied Scalars
Canvas widget : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.12.3. Canvas Methods
Menu widget : Perl in a Nutshell, 18.15.2. Menu Methods
Net::FTP module : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 16, Reference: type
Type option
IO::Socket::INET module : Perl in a Nutshell, 13.2.4. IO::Socket::INET Reference
IO::Socket::UNIX module : Perl in a Nutshell, 13.2.5. IO::Socket::UNIX Reference
Win32::OLE::Variant module : Perl in a Nutshell, Chapter 19, Reference: Type
type-checking hints : Advanced Perl Programming, 20.7. A Peek into the Future
typecasting operator (in C) : Programming Perl, 2.5.21. C Operators Missing from Perl
typed referents : Perl Cookbook, 11.0. Introduction
typeglob prototype symbol (*) : Perl in a Nutshell, 4.7.5. Prototypes
Advanced Perl Programming, B.9. Typeglobs
Advanced Perl Programming, 3. Typeglobs and Symbol Tables
Advanced Perl Programming, 3.2. Typeglobs
Advanced Perl Programming, 20.3.4. Glob Values and Symbol Tables
Perl Cookbook, 1.18. Program: psgrep
Perl Cookbook, 7.16. Storing Filehandles in Variables
Perl Cookbook, 7.20. Copying Filehandles
Perl Cookbook, 10.13. Saving Global Values
Programming Perl, 2.3.6. Typeglobs and Filehandles
Programming Perl, 2.7.1. Passing Symbol Table Entries (Typeglobs)
Programming Perl, 4. References and Nested Data Structures
Programming Perl, 4.3.5. Other Tricks You Can Do with Hard References
aliasing on command line : Advanced Perl Programming, Aliasing on command lines
for filehandles : Advanced Perl Programming, 3.4. Filehandles, Directory Handles, and Formats
my operator with : Advanced Perl Programming, 3.2.1. Temporary Aliases
references and
Advanced Perl Programming, 3.3.4. References to Typeglobs
Programming Perl, 2.7.2. Passing References
selective aliases : Advanced Perl Programming, 3.3.1. Selective Aliasing
storing attributes with : Advanced Perl Programming, 8.1.2. Attribute Storage Using Typeglobs
temporary aliases : Advanced Perl Programming, 3.2.1. Temporary Aliases
variable suicide
Advanced Perl Programming, 3. Typeglobs and Symbol Tables
Advanced Perl Programming, 3.2.3. Aliasing Problem: Variable Suicide
SWIG tool and
Advanced Perl Programming, 18.3. SWIG Features
Advanced Perl Programming, 20.5.7. SWIG Typemaps
XS tool : Advanced Perl Programming, 20.5.2. XS Typemaps: An Introduction
types : (see data types)
typing variables : Programming Perl, 5.4. Using Tied Variables

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